very different due date, what does it mean?

edited June 2011 in Giving birth
I had my (hopefully) final ultrasound Friday and they estimated my gestation at 38+5 when I'm actually only 36+4. How far along am I, really? I am all about nature taking its course and letting the body be but... I wonder what this means as far as being overdue? When am I considered 40wks? July 4 or 20? 42wks? July 18 or Aug 2? I have my next prenatal on Thursday but I'm going nuts with all these questions. They estimated my baby is already over 8lbs.


  • I am pretty sure they were saying your baby is measuring big not that your due date has changed. However if your baby is that big at 36w it is very likely they will delivery you early.
  • I was told by my dr that the first ultrasound during the first 12 weeks is the most accurate for predicting the due date. She said every baby grows exactly the same for those first 12 weeks. After that genetics take over and babies grow slightly differently. I would stick with your original of 36+4.
  • @babyrosalee @jadelman0211 is correct the fist ultrasounds is the most accurate. Go with ur first due date. Also if the baby is already over 8lbs. Might want to talk to doctor about what he and u want to do.
  • I have a prenatal with my midwife next Thursday I'll def talk to her then. I guess I'm just anxious to ask her all these questions and wanted to vent to u preglys. The US tech told me same thing, original date stands.
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