My BD is prego!

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
My babys daddy is pregnant along with me I swear! He's definately got the sympathy pregnancy going on! He eats and craves ice cream, mt dew (like I do), just food in general and it spiked once I got prego! His sence of smell is outrageous...he always asks me "did you fart" haha um no not unless its sneaking out between my cheeks...I had horrible heartburn a few days last week and the next day Tyrell had heartburn! Haha and he has gained about 3 times as much as I have...but I've only gained 3 lbs lol...its so funny and he's soooo moody, yet again I am as well but I have a reason to be! Anyone elses bds going thru this??


  • Heeheee, my husband is going through the same thing. He used to think it was a myth and guys would make it up to make their expanding wives feel better about their body changes. He found out the hard way! He got nausea my first trimester, he's been super hungry since I started the second and he's put on more weight than me.

    And, he has been moody, which he never is. He's usually a very happy man. It's just funny as hell to me.
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