i think its over

After what happened the other day me and the bf were going to try and work things out but then it all came crashing down today. He got pissed off at me when i said i didnt want to go to his grandmothers house because she doesnt like me. So then he pretty much tells me to move out knowing i have no where else to go. Im so hurt amd pissed off right now. I dont know what to do anymore. I just wanna fuckin scream and flip out. I dont get why eveything has turned into this. Its ridiculous. I FUCKING HATE MEN (who act like fucking children). Sorry for the vent. Just have no one else to talk to.


  • Wow, he's being a little over the top. Don't feel bad, he's acting like a jerk. Tell him to.quit throwing little bit%* fits when he doesn't get his way. I hope things get better for you girl ;)
  • @clope18 but i dont know if i can try and make things work anymore. There is nothing keeping us together anymore. We're not the way we use to be and he says its all me. I cant be with someone who acts like that. I never wish harm on anyone but its going through my head right now.
  • He sounds like a controlling child... :-( hope things get better
  • @cmarie324xo ack, more power to you for putting up with him for as long as you have. i was in a relationship with a man that was /extremely/ controlling for about 10 years, i know how hard it can be!
  • @MommaCass hes not so much controling but as for childish wicked bad. Im sorry but i didnt know i was in a relationahip with a child, i thought i was in a relationship with an ADULT. It seems like a lot of woman on here are going through this lately. Is it something in the water?
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  • edited June 2011
    @Fae we've only been together 2 years and its already like this. I was engaged to someone for 3 years and he was the most controlling and rude person i have ever met. He would call me ugly and fat and finally i had to walk away from it for my own sanity. I feel the same thing coming on.
  • @AngeliaAndMe i agree that we need time apart. i just got a new job and the only place i would be able to go is about an hr away from where i live now and my new job is a half hour further. Ive been following your threads and i see your going through something similar. Good luck to you too
  • Lol... must be something in the water! I'm living with my bd of soon to be three, trust me he'll blow $2400 on himself before he spends a dime on his children. I spent 3 hrs at the ER for our son over a bee sting, he never called/texted to see if he was okay. It's all about him..noobody else. Needless to say I'm currently apartment searching.
  • @cmarie324xo pleaaase don't let it get to that with this guy! i was so emotionally and mentally broken when i left my ex husband that i still haven't recovered from it. he was the type that wouldn't let me leave the house with out him, he didn't want me talking to people on the computer, wouldn't touch me unless he was drunk then blamed me when i never got pregnant while i was with him... hell, he even went so far as to rape me once... not that i'd ever tell my BD that, he'd kill him... but yeah, don't let yourself end up like i did... please.
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