Need girl time/talk
I am a first time mom and I am in dire need of some girl time. I just moved and I know nobody here and god love my man for being amazing but sometimes a girl just needs girl talk. Being 14 weeks along makes is a little difficult to go out and meet people in a normal fashion so I figured i would reach out on here and see if I could find any other soon to be mothers who would like to make a friend and have some girl chat. no rules. nothing off limits. just some good old fashion chit chat....
@superwoman27 its like our legs are broken cuz they think you can't do anything! Its so annoying!
San diego is good. I lived here when I was 18 but it still feels very new. I am still getting used to the freeways and where everything is. By my old place there are two freeways and they both get you to the same place.. here there are like 17,... slightly confusing. And meeting new people is so hard is CA. Everyone sticks to themselves.
How do you like where you live? Are yall single? married?
I miss my girl friends alot ... I just feel isolated I guess.