In a lot of pain!

edited June 2011 in Health
I'm having cramping in my stomach it starts in my upper abdomen and radiated down to my lower abdomen. This is my first child so I don't know what contractions feel like its been going on for about an hour and a half I've drank some water and am on my left and taken tylenol its not as frequent but still painful I've also taken medicine for gas just incase any ideas or suggestions I'm 29 weeks and I live an hour from the hospital :'(


  • Any advice would be great
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  • call your doctor or go into l&d.
  • @ll10 @richjen24 how do u know if its gas or contractions
  • Im n same boat n no ones helping me...
  • @neek its been going on since ab 7ish and now its almost 11 my time. I havent gone to l&d yet bc its so far and I want to be sure be4 I go
  • Minds 2 n its 12....n i dnt want tu gk just tu b sent home
  • Nothing will hurt to call your doctor and tell him what's going on and see what he wants you to do. If you can't get hold of him I wouldn't risk my babys health for anything.
  • If your stomach isn't tightening and they're not in a regular pattern it's probably irritability from the baby's head getting lower and putting pressure down there, it happend to me too around that time. It felt like really bad period cramps like right before you would start bleeding.
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