I just give up!!!!!

Im done tryin to make my lil guy get here, im just to tired to do any more,,, im also done tryin to get my hubby to love me like he used too, he wont sleep in the same room with me, talk to me, or even spend time with me alone even if we have a sitter,, he just makes up storys and sleeps all day,,,I feel so alone, my 5 year old doesnt even care, all she wants is my hubby,... I just dont know what to do, pregly is the only way I can get this out with out crying all night,, sorry ladys Ive just had it and needed to get all this out,,,


  • Aw I'm sorry. Let baby come out when he's ready. :) and why has hubby been acting strange??
  • I have no idea whats his problem its been like this since feb, and I just cant take it,,, we will be married one year in aug, and if something doesnt change then I dont know if there will be a 2 ,,, I know im a good wife, I cook, I clean, I do everything ,,,, and ive even told him that he makes me feel like a room mate not a wife, he said I hurt his feeling but he did nothing about it,,,
  • I amsorry. Its normal for little girls to get attatched to their dads. She might sence thestrain and feel like she's helping. Maybe do a momy daughter day before the baby gets here. I'm sorry your husband is being weird. Maybe he's nervous about the new baby. You are a good wife. Better than me :). He need to realize your awesomeness pretty fast. Maybe carry rocks with you and tghrow them at him when he's bad. Maybe he will get the hint.
  • Lol, that sounds like a good idea,, he needs something thrown at him
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