urinary tract infection

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
I just found out I have one and the dr is sending a prescription for antibotics to the pharmacys but are antibotics safe for the baby?


  • I got one almost every month of my last pregnancy. My son is fine ( He was Preemie But only b cause I never followed my bedrest.) I know infections of any kind can cause low birth weight and prematurity. So it's best to get them cleared up.. if ur too worried discuss the pros And cons of each medication with your doc.
  • Sometimes uti can be cured without antibiotics, but if he thinks it will spread to kidneys its best to treat it now with antibiotics. Kidney infections are BAD.
  • What cures uti without antibiotics? they only found it in an urine test I have no symptoms
  • Drink a bunch of cranberry juice!
  • I have a uti but it is bad!
  • Are you on antibiotics?
  • I do half water and half cranberry juice since cranberry juice is a juice and had alot of sugar. But I took antibiotics with my kids they give u a low dosage. Plus doctors know more then we do so u should trust them. My kids are fine and I got it alot with them and took antibiotics 4 it.
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