School system not doing its job.

My friends 15 year old daughter can not spell even some simple words. Her school told her mom they are passing her no matter what her grades are. It makes me mad that the school system isn't trying to actually help her.

Examples of her spelling:

Hotel - Hole Tell
Leaving - Leven
Hearing - Herring
Saturday - Satarday
Tomorrow - Tomarraw


  • The mom did not realize this until she was 15?
  • @mom60511 Her dad kept her for a while. She is just now staying with her mom again.
  • that's really bad. Does she have any learning disabilities?
  • @menemami I don't think she does. Her school just doesn't seem to care. She is trying to change schools for this next year.
  • If they are passing her regardless it sounds as if maybe she does have a learning disability. I'm an educator in Texas and if the child is labeled or receiving services they are passed regardless. Now if she's not labeled and they are just passing her something is wrong.
  • @kcike812 They said something to her mom about not wanting to fail kids because it makes them look bad. I'm not exactly sure how they put it but it was close to that.
  • I have a fifteen year old who was in a poor school. My suggestion to your friend would be not just to move her into a better school but have an evaluation done through the board of education to see if she needs further help then just a regular class room. It may not be a learning disability but maybe she needs to be taught in a different way. Also never wait for the teachers to reach out and do something it won't happen. I email and call my sons teachers almost weekly to find out how he is doing. As parents we are our childens best advocates and have to push to get them what they need. Best of luck to her.
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  • That's why i'm teaching my kids at home
  • I've seen college students who can't spell and its simply because of spell check. They no longer have the practice of spelling.
  • My oldest is being past to the next grade simply because of the no child left behind act. although it would be better for her to be held back even her teachers said so. But the principal refuses to let her stay back a grade. Good thing she is labeled as Autistic and Epileptic, right not sure i buy that she should be just passed along to the next level. She caught up a full year while in kindergarten so now she is starting out first grade at where kindergarteners start. instead of starting kindergarten again, at the appropriate level and just staying with that class.
  • When we moved here to PA from RI it was clearly obvious my kids were taught at a slower pace. The curriculum was more advanced here. My son struggled at first but caught up. It's been 3 years and my daughter is still a grade level behind but they pass her every year. She goes to learning support for math and reading. I was angry at first that they just didn't hold her back a year, but now I'm glad she's on pace with her class, just will always need the extra help.
  • Oh yes NCLB can be blame. I know we usually have only a certain amount of students that can be held back. However, we identify these students who need extra support and put them in extended day (after school program), tutoring during electives, and more small group. As a teacher I feel its my duty to help these at risk students.
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