Marriage?! *update*
Holy cow, I just caught the bf texting his mum about if he should ask mento marry him and her opinions on rings!! We haven't been together that long but was seeing each other before I got with my ex for about 6months. I know I could happily spend the rest of my life with him. I am just in shock I didnt expect him to be thinking about this sort of stuff so soon. I hadn't even thought of it.
I love him with ALL my heart but I dont know if I can. Elliot is going to have my last name. I don't want to get married and me and the bf to have a different last name to us and his dad and ask why that happened. Would it be wrong for him to take the bf's last name when born if we do get married. Idk I'd love to marry the bf.
What would you do?? I know he hasn't asked yet but I need to think about this now before he asks.
I love him with ALL my heart but I dont know if I can. Elliot is going to have my last name. I don't want to get married and me and the bf to have a different last name to us and his dad and ask why that happened. Would it be wrong for him to take the bf's last name when born if we do get married. Idk I'd love to marry the bf.
What would you do?? I know he hasn't asked yet but I need to think about this now before he asks.
If you think that things are going too quick, you could stay engaged for a while. Some people stay engaged for years! I'm not sure about England, but I think that if you get married to a man who isn't the baby's father, he can adopt the baby and give the child his last name. My half sister's mom and stepfather did that.
@misskristin she is pretty awesome
btw I'm 99% sure that you can change a under 18's name free via deed poll
@praying4our3rd I can't wait to see what dress you get
lol i let him choose venue it is nice but now I'm slaggin it of cos its like 75 mile away from my family lol
Ours was pressed flowers on cream paper on a gold scroll with a gold ribbon in a box.
I would hyphenate the last name. That way it wouldn't be such an issue later