Last Vacation before your new arrival...?

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
So me and my hubby have desided to take our last vacation as a family of four...were expecting our 3rd baby in august...anyways weve planned a trip to take our boys to disney land on july 10th spend the night in L.A then go to venice beach the next day....oh and my babyshower is the day before our trip on the really excited about that whole weekend but i'll be 8 in a half months pregnant scared I'll be a Debby im so big and get tired very quick...i get tired just walking around of you taking a trip before you go into labor...and any ideas on how to stay energized for my lil :-?


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  • Oh boy you're gonna be exhausted at disneyland! I would always get exhausted at disneyland when I was a teenager lol.... Hmmm maybe you could read a wheelchair for the day?
  • We went to Barcelona, Spain at 12 weeks and it sucked.
  • @billysgirly thats what my hubby told me he said..walk till i get tired then we'll rent a just gonna try to do my best my babies r so excited for this trip so am i ..but i know its gonna suck with my big belly and this hot california heat.. :O
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  • @blueberrysmom i know its gonna suck but im going to try so hard to keep a smile on my face for my boys.. :X
  • That's the spirit!
  • @firsttimemommytobe i know how you my house is 2 stores and i hate those damn stairs right now it kills
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  • @mshahir shapeups...those r the uglyest that just might work...i have to try them out..
    @firsttimemommytobe lol...thats funny :-D
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  • lol...@mshahir i just called my mom and asked her if shes ever tried them she said she has 2 wear the same exact size ima borrow hers cuz i know after i have this baby i will never wear them again....hahahah
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  • lol...i know she weird...lmao..
  • @3itsgonnabe the 8th is my bday and we leave the 9th for Santa Cruz and a road trip up the coast.... really looking forward to it... its our last hurrah as a family of 4....ill be 24 weeks. Then in August/ September me and hubby are doing a babymoon to San Fran where we honeymooned 7 years ago! (Anniversary early cuz its 2 weeks before our due date)
    Disneyland will be tiring but worth it just stay hydrated and keep ur insurance card on you just in case!
  • @ace_baber_3 lol we're on the same hubby tells me we csn postone our trip untill after we have the baby.. But I think it'll be a special trip with my boys before all the caos of a new baby ... Im going to push myself to the limits that,yes my insurence card will be close,by just in case...we have a trip planned for LAS VEGAS in october for our 2 year annivecery..."been together 9 years but married going on 2" im soooo ready for that
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