she's really f*ing pissing me off!!

I have known my sister-in-law for over 10 years. She and I used to be best friends until she went off to college and decided she was "sooo much better than me". She has always resented the fact that her brother and I have a relationship (been together for 8 years, married 3 1/2). She never wanted us to to be together and definitely didn't want us to have a family. When I was pregnant with my 4 year old son she told me I "needed to abort the little parasite" because I was "ruining her brother's life". Even though she was my maid of honor at my wedding (upon husband's insistance because she's his only sister) she never tried to help in any way and she tried her damnedest to make sure I was miserable throughout the planning process and festivities. She swore she would plan my bachelorette party but backed out at the last minute leaving the whole mess for my mom and sister to deal with. She then complained the whole time about how lame the party was and how much more fun she would be having if she had gone to her brother's bachelor party. She even went so far as to call me a selfish bitch for wanting to be with my fiance after our parties were over. She complained about her bridesmaid dress even though she never came with us to pick them out. She sent me an email saying she thought my desire to have a big wedding was inappropriate because we had a kid so the "secret was out and we weren't fooling anyone". Fast forward a year and a half. My husband and I decided we wanted to go off birth control so we could eventually try to have another baby. He told his sister one evening while she was visiting us. She flipped out. She couldn't understand why I was being so stupid and said she would never support our decision. I threw her out of my house and told my husband I didn't want her coming around anymore if she was going to disrespect me in my own home. She doesn't come around much anymore which is fine by me. It took us nearly 2 years to conceive our daughter (I am now 23 w 4 d) and ever since finding out she was a girl my sister-in-law has taken it upon herself to "name" my child. She absolutely HATES the name I've chosen (aubree jane) even though the middle name is her first name. I chose jane for my husband's grandmother whom I adore its unfortunate my sister-in-law and grandma share the same name because she thinks I chose it because of her. Every other day I have either a new email or facebook message from her with a baby name suggestion and reasoning why it is so much better than aubree. I am just getting so sick of it. I don't allow her in my house. I never call/text her and don't even respond when she messages me but she still won't take the hint that I really don't give a shit about her opinion. Sorry this is so long. I just needed to vent and hubby is getting sick of listening to me complain about her b.s.


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  • @mshahir that's definitely my next step. I can't believe I thought she and I were friends
    @lmelanson thanks :)
  • Sisters-in-law can really suck! Sounds like some major jealousy to me. I say just keep ignoring her. She has yet to get the hint so she probably never will. Laugh it off when she acts that immature and just focus on your husband and family and the happiness you have :)
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  • I love the name you've chosen. :)
  • aubree Jane sounds beautiful. sorry she seems like such a rude person. your probably just gonna have to not be so nice to her n let her know what's on ur mind. good luck hope she backs down. n don't give into her!!!
  • Throat punch
  • Good luck to u. I have 2 sister in laws (twins) from HELL! They have pulled the same sh*t on us. Ugh... They have ruined alot for the whole family. We got so sick if their crap we moved 1200 miles away... No joke. Mess with me i can forget it and look over the stupip crap but mess with my kids and i will mess u up... Know what i mean? Lol... I think they are socialpaths (sp?). Its stupid cause life is short... Dont need crazies in ur life. ;)
  • @stbmilitarybrat thanks for the advice! I do need to focus on the happiness :)

    @mshahir yes ma'am will do. And he will certainly be pleased! :)

    @misskristin thanks hun! :)

    @karla_with_a_k amen sister!

    @shayshay I've tried not being nice but even that doesn't seem to do any good. I promise I won't give in to her. :)

    @mommyof3girls I agree life is too short. sorry you had to move so far away from home because of them.

    @blueberrysmom yes please!

    Thank you all so much for your kind words! Have a great night :)
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