am i evil for not letting this kid come over??

edited June 2011 in Parenting
so one of my neighbor's kids got attacked by a dog... he used to beat this dog until one day the dog got out and bit his sorry little bratty butt!! anyways i will not let this child in my house or near my animals because im scared he will hurt my big baby matti, who is part pitt bull and less then a year old so still a pup. my matti is very hyper loves kids but tends to jump up knock them down and sometimes she nips... never drawling blood but when she licks u sometimes she nips as a sign of affection. well kids mom is getting pissy with me cause i wont let the boy over. he is 7 years old and hurts animals i dont want my baby getting put down for defending herself from an abuse child! to me im protecting my family! mattie is part of our family as much as our little dog, cat, and fish(i swear the most trained and loyal is the fish lol!) should i explan to the mother y her son is not to be in my house?!


  • Tell her you dont want him hitting your dog
  • I wouldn't let him in my home either. But maybe you should explain to the mother why you don't want her son there. I agree with you, I wouldn't want some strange kid coming in and abusing my animals.
  • You can just tell her your dog is a puppy and you are still training her and would prefer for her not to be around children yet. I don't know but the other Mom sounds like a PITA. Seriously, she gets pissy with you because you don't let her child over to your house? Entertain your own damn sociopath yourself lady!
  • I wouldn't either! My dogs are my babies!
  • Yes explain about his behavior towards animals and you don't want a situation arising in which your dog is provoked.
  • You dont owe her an explanation.....unless she is assisting you in paying bills you continue you protect your babies, and let her get as mad as she wants.
  • hehee ty ladies... shes one of those crazys that calls CPS on EVERYONE cause she gets upset with you... id love for them to investigate me!! lol! but my dog like i said is really hyper n she's a huge klutz! knocks my son down all the time but she never means to hurt anyone. i think though if she felt threatened or thought one of her family members was in danger she would cause some damage! i dont want to test that out though!
  • and call me wrong but y do dogs get put down when they attack because they are abused but if someone beats the dog they dont get put down?! :p not fair! lol!
  • I would tell her the truth and hold my ground. You don't owe her or her monster spawn anything.
  • i just dont get how a child could be so cure to an animal!?!? it makes u really want to look at the other parents skills. i mean isnt that a sign of a sereal killer?! abusing pets and animals??
  • Why is she so hell bent on him coming to your house anyway?? That seems so weird!!
  • Why does this kid want to come over to your house anyway? Do u have a kid the same age for him to play with? Or does he just wanna bug because hes bored? I don't understand why she wants her son to be able to go to your house anyway...
  • @starrxoxo9 haha i just asked the same thing were thinking the same thought at the same moment
  • Why do you have to explain anything? It's your house.if she gets upset,so what. That is really her problem. Why can't you just go over her house?
  • yes i have a 9 year old daughter and a 3 year old son. so they are only a couple years apart. anothing thing about this kid besides his abuse against animals, he is very over weight and will raid ur cupboards and fridge! i hate that so disrespectful! always asking for snacks and drinks! GO GET UR OWN! he even asked me for $10 one time cause he needed the money.... what does a 7 year old need $10 for?! and a few days ago i guess he was going door to door asking people to donate money for the homeless... u would think "wow! what a great kid helping others" but no he pocketed the money! and i live in a nice neighborhood on an Army base! i dont live in a place where u would expect that sort of behavior! my daughter is a good student/child i dont want her to get ideas from a child like this!
  • Don't tell her nothing screw her and that kid. I have neighborhood kids I wont let over and I've made it clear to my kids why they understand.
  • @ghettobetty ya i know. i need to just ignore her ass i mean really who is she to me?! just another annoying neighbor!
  • Exactly! As long as my kids understand I'm not trying to b mean that's all that matters.
  • Yes explain it to her and she should b thankful b cuz ur also protecting her so ..if he does become abusive to the dog he could get seriously hurt
  • OMG don't get me started, I hate that dogs are punished for their owner's mistakes or because they defend themselves against abuse. My old dog was a pitbull and I was terrified that she would be taken and put down for just looking at a kid the wrong way, when she was the most gentle baby ever. But people don't see individual animals, they see the breed and make assumptions. Anyway, now I've had my rant (!), definitely tell her why you don't want her son over, you have every right to protect your family and I think you are completely right in not wanting him in your house. Good luck! ;;)
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