Appointments --- They Consume My Life

3 different doctor's appointments this week (of my own) and 2 for Hubby-to-Be! UGH!!!!

I have to go for another Glucose Tolerance screening in the morning --- the results that they have they don't think are right; at least they hope not. I was wondering if, maybe I did something wrong...

For the one hour test, are you supposed to fast before-hand? I know you're supposed to for the 3-hour test...but the doctor never told me. I looked it up online and read that, for the one hour test, fasting is not required!

What "flavor" solution is the best? My options are lemon/lime, cola, grape and orange --- I think the orange seems to be the most popular... I got the lemon/lime last time and thought I was going to vomit; it was awful!!!

Is it normal to get super sick after you drink that crap? :0& I have major issues with's all I can do to keep it down for an hour. I don't think it would be so bad if I didn't have to drink a whole freakin' Styrofoam cup full of it; omg, it's terrible!!

What are your experiences with the test?!?!


  • I have only had orange. It ain't too bad. Drs are different with the fasting. My advice if your appt is early don't eat anything. And yes it made me feel Like shit.
  • I have only had the orange if u like orange pop u can handle it its a little different but not bad I never had to fast for the 1hr test. And I have found to walk that HR helps ur test don't sit down it just builds up and yes it is normal to make u want to vomit its terrible. Good luck
  • I have only had orange. It ain't too bad. Drs are different with the fasting. My advice if your appt is early don't eat anything. And yes it made me feel Like shit.
  • Sorry it posted twice. stupid phone
  • I didn't have to fast for the one hour but did for the three hour. And I had Orange which wasn't all that terrible. Really flat Orange soda but I don't think any of them would be considered tasty.:P but it did make me nauseas.
  • My first pregnancy they said to fast. I passed. This time she said I could eat just nothing with sugar. Well I ate a plain biscuit n I failed. it just all depends on the Dr if they want you to or not. U should probably call when u wake up just to be sure
  • @baby2ontheway Believe it or not, you're about the 5th person who has told me to try to walk during the hour (:

    @awhaley28540 Thanks! I think I'm going to stick with just some milk/water and maybe a few crackers --- that way, if I do get sick, I won't be as miserable. I'll at least have something to come up, instead of painful heaves (sorry, tmi)!!

    @baybee1aug10 I'd heard (and read) that the 3 hour required 3 days of a high-carb diet and then 10-16 hours of fasting; I think I'd die!!! It seems like the orange is the most popular --- and I can't STAND flat Cola, so I'm thinking I'm going with the orange! My best friend said it almost tastes like Orange Pedialyte...watered down Kool-aid; not my favorite thing, but it's for my little man, so I suppose I'll have to endure it!

  • If I woulda had 16 hrs of no food I seriously would've killed myself! I was told to eat lots of carbs the day before and then nothing after midnight. Which sucked bc midnight to four is my snack time Haha.
  • @2ndbutfirst Someone else mentioned something about eggs but I'm not 100% sure why they said they don't affect the test. Sadly, I loved them --- UNTIL I got pregnant. Now, I can't even tolerate the smell of them. :0& I'm being treated for a UTI, so water has been my life for 2 weeks; I use sugar-free crystal lite packs to make it a little better. I can tolerate just plain water for a few hours, though....I hope!

    @awhaley28540 When they gave me the papers to take to the hospital, the nurse never said anything about fasting --- I called earlier to set up an appointment and the lady I talked to said that the results tend to be a little more accurate if I eat 4-6 hours before the test and drink lots of water. ABSOLUTELY NO SUGAR 4 hours before the test! I just wanted to get some other opinions, though. I've heard so many women say they didn't fast, I was interested to see their results. Seems like most failed. :(
  • I had it with my daughter and I was on the shots, this time I take my daughter with me I have taken the test 2 or 3 times and my daughter keeps me on my feet I walk her around for the HR and it has seem to work for me, sitting makes it build up inside of u. That's why doctors tells everyone to exercise after each meal. I never did that with my daughter LOL.
  • @baybee1aug10 ...oh, my! Mine, too...Hubby-to-Be just started a new shift rotation at work so he's gone 5 nights a week from 11pm - 9am...I stay up 3/4 of the time he's gone texting him --- he's Super Daddy and has to check on me every 10 minutes, so I wouldn't sleep anyway! From about midnight to 5am or so, I snack, periodically. I ate a peanut butter sandwich at about 35 minutes ago and, I guess, I'm not eating anymore tonight. Luckily, Hubby-to-Be's home tonight, so maybe I can sleep instead of staying up all night!!
  • I didn't fast on any of my test this pregnancy or last I probably ate an HR before and then drank the test. Every where is different where I live they don't even offer different flavors
  • Mine too...I have an appt tomorrow, Wednesday, & Thursday. Thursday is my pap and I'll find out if/when I'll be getting a cerclage. Then I have an ultrasound on Tuesday.

    When I was pregnant with my son, I drank the orange one. :)
  • I've had the Orange and fruit punch. Out if your choices I'd pick orange. I did have to fast for both the one hr and three hour. Remember that carbs break down to sugar so watch the carbs and sugar intake the night/day before.
  • I had the fruit punch was really delicious. Didn't feel sick! I didn't have to fast but I couldn't eat 1 hour before the test. I got my results after that hour and me and this baby make a wonderful team!
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