No one asked for your opinion!

So I'm 35+2 weeks. I was talking about walking and how I'm going to start drinking the red rasberry leaf tea on facebook and my cousin comes out of nowhere telling me I need to stop trying to make my baby come early. There's only a month left and she knows how hard it is because she's had 2 kids. Ok? No one said I was trying to make him come early. I'm not sitting here downing 4oz. Of castor oil daily. I know that wouldn't be safe to do that this early. However walking and drinking that tea is safe throughout your entire pregnancy. The tea is supposed to tone your muscles in your uterus and make labor easier as well as walking is. I really wish people would keep their mouths shut when their opinion isn't needed and completely irrelevant. Sorry, I needed to get that out.


  • I'm sorry Hun but on a good note I saw a onesie at target that said my mom doesn't want your opinion! Lol. ;)
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  • Omg!!!! I know. I said something about Castro oil on fb when I was 37 wks. N bout 3 or 4 people mist being family "Omg she is gonna be premature" like seriously??? I wouldn't do it if I wasn't full term. Or "it won't work it didn't for Me' well for one every woman n every pregnancy is different. Ugh. People.
  • Omg I want that onesie!!!!

    People are crazy my friend. I was strolling with my less-than-2-week-old daughter the other day, and a complete stranger came up to me, demanding answers about me breastfeeding, her weight, how my daughter was probably too hot, etc etc. I wanted to smack her!

    They seem to be everywhere unfortunately. :(
  • @momof22be I need that onesie!

    @AngeliaAndMe It's ridiculous!

    @2ndbutfirst I know right? I love when I got pregnant, everyone suddenly because a damn doctor or a parent to my child. It's so annoying. I'm always like, I didn't ask for your opinion so you can take it elsewhere.
  • @awhaley28540 Exactly! I wouldn't do anything to make my baby come, unless I was 37+ weeks. If I went into labor from walking then I was just ready to go? None of the induction remedies work unless your body and baby are ready anyway.

    @natashalynn OMG! I honestly would have smacked her and told her my baby probably is hot since your breathing all your hot breath on her, back up! Lord, people these days. Idk what they're thinking!
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  • @mshahir Oh trust me, I definitely did that! ;) haha.
  • Haha. Yepp. I hate people sometimes. If I wanted ur opinion I would have asked what u think about me taking some castor oil. But I didnt so shut up. Hormones :)
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  • @awhaley28540 I'm trying castor oil as well once I'm full term. HOPE someone criticizes me for it.
  • Lmao. I don't have the balls for it. Not yet. Maybe after tomorrows appt. If I haven't dilated anymore I think I may.
  • Haha I love your response. I'm definitely storing that one in the back of my mind! Ps looooove the name bentley!!!
  • I had someone tell me, no joke....not to let anyone touch the bottom of my babies feet when they're born, it will cause speech delays. And if anyone touches the bottoms of MY feet while I'm preggers, it will make the baby mute. Mind you, I was getting a pedicure when this "advice" was given. SMH....some people....
  • People can be so stupid. ;;) I'm still dealing with people who think I'm expecting twins or that I'm past my due date. I keep getting told to take the castor oil! :-)) Other than that, my dad likes to talk every chance he gets about how I whine online about how I want to go into labor nowwwwwwwwwwwww...I haven't even said that yet! I've done my share of complaining about aches, pains, and the occasional sleepless night, but I've maintained this whole time that I will wait until my due date before I start getting impatient about baby because I'm usually the girl who cries labor about five times before it's real and those false alarm trips really wind up stressing me out big time. I don't want to go back home a bunch of times in tears because I'm determined I'm going early!
  • @natashalynn Thank you! :) Do you have a namee picked out yet?

    @tnt2007 What?! I've never heard of that but if it were true, my baby would definitely be mute as much as I get my boyfriend to rub my feet!

    @vivya I know! Going to triage and getting monitored for contractions and then the contractions magically stop is the the worst! I feel so dumb.
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  • I had my little bundle on the 15th. Her name is McKinley Rose. :)
  • @natashalynn That's beautiful! I have a friend who's due in 3 weeks and she's naming her daughter Mckenna :)
  • Oh that's pretty too. The mck names seem to be becoming popular!
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