My 1yr old still wakes up evey 3 hours

edited June 2011 in Parenting
For a bottle at night. What can I do to make her sleep thru the night? I've tried all I can think of but nothing works. I'm due in 10 weeks and I'm horrified for that to come because I know I'm really not gonna get any rest. Any suggestions? I'm desperate....


  • This may sound harsh but stop giving her one. It wont be easy because she's so used to it. How many naps during the day does she take and what time do you put her to bed?
  • I agree with @mrs_shu have you tried giving her a zippy cup instead of bottle???
  • I just give my daughter her baba with water if she wakes up at night time. She just grabs it and dozes back off.
  • Try keeping it beside her they have to get use to getting things done themselves my son use to ne like that I started leaving his sippy by his hand or pillow
  • I've tried all that. She shares a room with my 4 year old so I can't let her cry it out for too long. I usually only give her one bottle a night, and its just a sip. She takes 1-2 naps a day, the first one after lunch and the second after dinner that one is usually only 20 mins if she wants one. Then shes usually in bed between 7 and 8pm. I let her cry it out most of the time until I hear my 4yr old huff. I've patted her on the back, sang to her, rocked her, etc. she has a blanket that she needs to sleep with her all the time, and a few pacifiers in her crib with her so she can find one. She still cries with the paci in. @tiff87124, @kendra_31639, @beautiful_altar, @mrs_shu
  • Take away the second nap and put her down giving her the bottle before she goes to bed. Also my sister had the same problem with her 3 year old and the 1 year old and she moved the 3 year old to their room for 2 nights so that the baby could cry it out and get used to it.
  • Try changing her nap schedule to earlier. Maybe an hour one before lunch amd have the second nap if needed before dinner. After dinner try wearing her out (with the 4 yr olds help). And tell her no more bottles in crib/bed.
    Tell your 4 year old nights may get rough. Don't cave in(bottle) because the older one got woken up

    The older they get/longer it goes on the harder it is.
  • You just have. To try different things until you find something that works I would NOT take my sons sippy from him at night because one im not going down the stairs while 8 months preggo just for him to sip it a few times then fall asleep I don't give him milk in his sippy (@tiff87124) I give him water and most times I freeze the water in his sippy by the time he wakes and wants it it is thawed out and he sips a few times and he is back out I want my children to be independent I don't want them to feel they can just cry and not do things themselves but like I said just keep trying until u find something that's works for her!!!
  • she usually doesn't take a 2nd nap at night, only if shes not feeling well. I know its seperation anxiety thats why she does it. My pediatritian said its very common for her age, but shes been like this her whole 1 yr of life! My 4yr old tries to help by singing her lullabies and turning her music on, its just frustrating! I'm so scared its gonna continue when my son gets her in 2 months.... She goes back to the dr on the 11th so I'll get more tips from him, it just sucks! I haven't had sleep in years
  • my 14month old was there just a month ago.. i moved him into a toddler bed and then into his 9year old bros room.. the first wk he still woke up a few times a night.. but then he just started sleeping through the nigh.. i dont suggest toddler bed .. but mabey moving her in the other room and for the first wk or so comfort her just by laying her back down mabey back patting and then leave her in her crib.. she will be fine if she wines a lil.. but the truth is they have to learn to sooth themselves.. and actually have the ability to do so at around 7months.. good luck and stick to your guns when you start.. or she will regress..
  • Time to let her CRy may sound mean but once she realizes u will still b there in the morning she will start sleeping all night.
  • Umm I don't mean to sound harsh but why at the age of 1 is your child still using a bottle at all? If your child is no longer drinking formula which they shouldn't be past age one they should be drinking out of a sippy cup. With that being said it took one year to create the habit of letting your child have a bottle in bed so it will take a while to break it. You have to stick to what your start. Just let them cry and don't give in. It will only last a week or so but if u give in just once then they know they are in control. Your 4 year old losing sleep for a week or so is a small price to pay for your sanity when the new baby comes.
  • With my daughter, at 10ish months she was still waking up at 3 am for her last bottle. I would hold her while she ate and I couldn't get her to give up that one last feeding, even though she wouldn't take a bottle all day long. I finally figured out she was just waking up to see me. If I just handed her the bottle and waited by the door til she was done, she'd take two sips and be back asleep. After a few nights, she finally realized I wasn't going to hold her and she stopped waking up. You might also try having dad go to her when she cries instead.
  • Unless there is a medical reason a child should be introduced to a sippy cup at 6 months of age. That is not rushing them. Its called weaning. If you start the process at an approriate age then when they hit certain ages you won't have a problem. All I am hearing is really its more convenient for the parent to not deal with the whole weaning process. Many babies are still on bottles at age 1 but should not be. A bottle should not be used as a comforter or sleep aid. That is not the purpose of a bottle. Bottles are meant for meals and nourishment. Once your child starts getting their nourishment from solid foods you should introduce them to sippy cups. Using a bottle as a sleep aid or comforter is more of a coping mechanism for the parent not the child.
  • She uses a sippy cup, and has since an early age. She drinks whole milk out of a bottle bc she likes it warm. They do make sippy cups with a bottle top.... And I wake up in the middle of the night for milk too, it helps me sleep better. Her daddy does get up with her too, and tries to help, but he also doesn't know why she does it. And I'm not lazy, at all. The bottle is a last resort
  • She's just use to it. Make sure she eats dinner right before bed and when she cries for a bottle at night, let her try to console herself and eventually will go back to sleep.
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