
edited June 2011 in Labor
I've been having contractions since 530 central time and they are 5 minutes apart. I'm ready to have my baby girl but I'm not ready for her yet! I have to move this weekend and don't know where I'm moving and on top of that i don't have the things i need for her yet because i was gonna wait until i got moved.... ladies I'm excited and stressed! What do i do???


  • go to l&d b4 u have her in the toilet

  • @mommyofsoon2b3 i thought about going but i didn't want them to send me home like they did me with my other daughter so i was trying to wait a while...
  • if theyre 5min apart n try to send u home id refuse!!! lol just pickett outsude l&ds door!!!! they shuldnt tho if theyre that close
  • @mommyofsoon2b3 lol ikr... you know how those hospitals can be sometimes, i said i was gonna go walking after my kids went to daycare. Think that's a good idea??
  • you could walk a little might help get em a lil fars the hospital?
  • @mommyofsoon2b3 sorry I'm just now responding. Just got back home from shopping trying to walk her down... but any who the hospital is like 10mins away its really not far.
  • I went to l and d this morning with contractions 2-3 min apart and strong and they sent me home I was there for 2 hours but got sent home cause I had made no cervical change and the nurse had the nerve to tell me contractions are not labor cervical change is
  • @marierica... the same thing happen to me with my second child that's y I'm still at home because i don't feel like being pissed! i told myself i wasn't going until i get to the real part just to b sure i stay; -)
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