For those of you that have suffered a loss

edited June 2011 in Loss
How did you cope with it. I have never expierence a loss


  • After ectopic, I cried a lot. There was a girl at work who liked to make my life a living hell, so I played a lot of immature pranks on her. I acted out a lot, which wasn't good. I didn't care. This lasted about four months. I cried some more and still have not really talked about it. Little baby would have been due April 1st. I cried that whole day even though I have been pregnant since Jan. I am overprotective of this little girl and am still scared all the time. I am still angry. That little baby was holding on so strong and they had to keep giving me shots to end the pregnancy. I am still angry because baby was so strong and there was nothing I could do to move her to the right place where I could protect her. I'm still trying to cope, but I'm here if you want to talk.
  • edited June 2011
    @jellybelly1015 I was the same way after my MC last June. Baby would have been born Jan 21, 2011 but I MC at 10 wks. I got pregnant two months after it and I had my baby this May 13 th. I cried a lot about my loss during my pregnancy even thought I was still happy about my baby girl on the way. On Jan 21, 2011 I cried a lot too about the whole thing. My husband had a hard time too but he doesn't really talk much about and when something on the TV comes on about miscarriages or something he turns it.

    I didn't cope very well with my loss. I was really depressed, angry, shattered, etc. about the whole ordeal. We had tried for almost 1 yr before we finally got pregnant. I pushed everyone away, including my husband. I had three of my friends all have their babies when I had suffered the loss and they were sending me pictures of their babies and pretty much blowing me off when I told them. I was in the ER bleeding and in severe pain and my friend had her baby and I told what was going on and all she said was "Well that sucks" and then went on about her birth and whatnot. Idk if it was just her not knowing what to say to me, her being so happy about her baby, or both. But it hurt me deeply. I finally changed my number and basically went into "hiding". I just went to work and came home. I "hid" all the people on my FB that had kids or were pregnant so that I wouldn't have to see/read about what I wanted so bad. My depression got so bad that I actually wound up in the hospital for depression. I was seriously thinking of ending my life. Luckily, I didn't do anything stupid. But I got back on to my depression meds, started talking about the loss and slowly began to pick up the pieces. My daughter saved me in more ways than one and I'm just so grateful for her to be in my life. I know I can never "replace" what I lost but in a way I'm kinda...i dont know how to say it..but if I didn't go through all that then she wouldn't be here showing me what true happiness is.
  • I had a m/c april 12 and ended up having a d&c for my health and im still trying to figure out how to deal with it. Its not something that will just go away. You lost a child, no matter how far along you were. Its going to take time but it does get better as time goes on. I blamed myself for it. I thought it was something i did but it wasnt. If you ever wanna talk im here for you anytime. Try to just relax and not blame youself.
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