feeling so unattractive and miserable!!!!!

i am so ready to meet and hold my lil man! this pregnancy has been the worst ever for me. im 27wks1day and im so miserable. i cant sleep, food wont stay down(even with all the meds im taking), back hurts, feet are swollen like the nutty professor and i still have to do motherly duties with my 10 and 4 yr old. i just wanna wake up and its sept lol(forreal). i knw i sound like a baby but this is my vent!!!! Hubby tells my that i am beautiful but i sure dont feel like it ugh.... ok that felt better to get off my chest.


  • I feel the same. I'm 29 weeks and so ready for September! My husband tells me I'm beautiful too, but I don't feel so pretty with this gigantic bump (my entire abdomen is pushed out and it just looks stupid), extra huge butt, thunder thighs, and more cellulite than anyone under 20 should ever have! I'm also breaking out really really bad and I just started getting stretch marks. UGH!
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