vent - work

edited February 2011 in March 2011
I'm so at odds right now on what to do! I'm an xray/CT tech at a hospital. We are really busy but its a small hospital so we have to do all the moving/transporting of pts on our own. When I'm sitting down doing the computer work I'm fine but if I get up to do the rest of my job my belly tightens all up and the pelvic pains start, etc. I watch my 2 year old during the day and have been trying my best to do housework and get the babys room compleated so by the time I even get to work at 3pm I'm exhausted. I get 12 weeks leave from work and I'm debating on going ahead and taking off so I can get more done at home and not work all night with a contracted belly. I'm due march 28th. What do ya'll think? Using some of my time before I deliver so I'm not as miserable or should I tough it out and risk going into early labor?


  • If your totaly wiped go out early. Try to make it another week or two if you can but its a lot harder with two. I get six weeks after and have the option of 6 befor, but only with a dr note saying I need to be out. So for me I would want as much time with my new baby as possible. But I also took off a couple weeks early so I could have some one on one with my son befor the baby. Also to try to get some stuff done, and get a lil more sleep!! So really depends on how bad your feeling. I would tak off closer to March unless you really feel its dangerous for you..
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  • Thanks for the advice. Lite duty would be possible if we had more than just me but if I only did computer work no exams would get done.
  • lol sounds like my job ha ha
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