cutting the...

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Grass lol! Is it safe for me to use the lawn mower or weedeater?!?! I'm 18 weeks and my family I haven't seen in 10 years will be here Sunday and my husband doesn't Have time to do it!


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  • Yes but my husband won't let me do it anymore. Fine by me!
  • I think it would be safe as long as you don't have bees, when my mom was seven months preggo with me and my sister she was mowing and ran over a couple of bees and got stung in her coochie eeekkk!!! lol other than that i think your good to go just don't over due it :)
  • Take breaks as needed! Attatch a water bottle too :)
  • Sounds Good! Looks like my allergies are gonna kick my butt tomorrow! !!
  • Yup. I mowed and weedeater until I was 34 weeks.
  • I was so sure it was gonna say Cutting the....Cheese!!! Lol grass totally caught me off guard. My bf won't let me cut the grass because the one time I tried it looked so bad..all patchy lol
  • @everyone thank you.. this is my first pregnancy with a yard lol
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