my mom today said something very cruel

edited June 2011 in Loss
I am miscarrying my baby and she told me act like you were never pregnant that was hurtful. It crushed me : ( that my mom would say something like that.


  • Omg I am so sorry. I am very sorry for your loss. No mother should ever say that no body should ever say that but definitely no mother to their daughter. My thoughts are with u
  • Sorry u gotta go thru this. :( prayers to u. I wish no one ever had to mc... Its sooo very hard when u already love the baby soooo much. Plus i think people who have never had a mc dont fully understand ur pain. Feel better soon. Its ok to be upset.
  • Maybe she figures if you do that you'll be happy again or something..idk. im sorry for your loss. The dr I work with basically told me to suck it up and stop being a baby about it when I mc. I don't think she meant to sound harsh but whatever still pissed me off
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  • That was a painful thing to hear that is something I will never forget I lost a baby that baby is always going to be a special spot in my heart
  • I'm so so sorry to hear about your loss... and a heartless comment. :( sometimes ppl don't know how to handle sensitive situations. Please try not to let it get to you... you handle it how your comfortable and maybe let her know how that made u feel? Hang in there sweetie... we're here & have walked down the same heartbreaking path. Our babies are watching over us.... lots and lots of love and prayers to you. I'm here if u need it!!
  • I got told many cruel things when I had my mc. So I just ignored a lot of people. My mother wouldn't even talk to me about. She just called me on mothers day to tell me how sorry she was for not being there for me when I needed someone the most. Im so sorry for your loss. I had my mc february 1st of this year and it still haunts me. There isn't much anyone can say to make you feel better but at least you have very sweet people on here to comfort you and give you positive thoughts. The way I looked at it was that it wasn't my time to be a mommy yet and god had a different plan for me. Everything happens for a reason even if we never understand why. It will get easier when time passes but you will never forget. Just take it easy and let your body mind and heart heal. You aren't alone. Just live for better days.
  • @mrsrocketfield1221 thank you so much I will. I could not ever say anything like that to anyone. Miscarrying is not easy to deal with.
  • @tiff87124 I think he's coming to realization finally and and started to comfort me.
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