
Can they be scheduled on weekends??


  • Yes.. Just depends on your doctor's schedule.
  • Just remember that even with a scheduled induction it can still take awhile for baby to arrive. I had an appointment to be induced at 7pm on a Tuesday, they started me on cervadil at 8pm Tuesday (later put me on pitocin) and I did not deliver until 10am Thursday. 38 hours in the hospital before my son was born. So, if you even if you scheduled for Saturday you might not meet baby til Monday.
  • Doc think they might induce me but I am REALLY SCARED @surromama do they hust give iv for induction or they put things inside u coz I hv no idea wat it painful procedure
  • @lubz idk what happens either.. ha

    Okay cool. Cause I have an appointment on friday at 8 30am and I want him to induce me that afternoon/night or the next day. Haha
  • @lubz they have different was of doing it. They can do pitocin which is a medicine they use an IV for, there are little pill like things that they put in you up by your cervix, those are the only 2 ways I know anything about because that's how I was induced.

    I had an appointment Thursday morning and they called the hospital to schedule it, so just cuz your doctor may be a le to do it that weekend doesn't mean your hospital will ne able to. I was induced Monday night and didn't have my daughter till late Tuesday night so it can take some time foe things to happen.

    Message meif you have any questions.
  • @lubz they started me on Cervadil which was a vaginal insert, almost like a tampon. After that didn't help much they switched me to an IV of pitocin. The methods to induce don't hurt but once they broke my water and real labor began then I was in a ton of pain and opted for the epidural. They also had an IV of fluid in my hand to keep me hydrated. That didn't hurt either but it made my hand swell up like a balloon. Oh, and because of the cervadil ionserts I was required to stay in bed. I couldn't walk the hallways or anything.
  • I was induced with my first baby. It was scheduled at 7am Jan 27th, 2006. They started Pitocin at 8:10am, and broke my water at 8:30 am. I had her 5 hours later. It really depends on where you go. Hospitals are more busy than birthing centers, which is where I gave birth. All the same, qualified medical staff, but personalized care. You get your very own nurse for your stay, and the rooms are very welcoming. There are obviously babies born on the weekends since there are doctors on call every day. Just see if your doc is on call that weekend.
  • Thanks alot ladies that was very helpful really appreciate that thanks again luv u guys @fate @surromama
  • Best of luck @zekesmomma1
  • @navybabyonway thanks alot luv thats really helpful of u really appreciate it I feel like crying coz I am so happy that u guys r there n ready to help n ans any questions I luv u all ...... I am really scared coz I hv GD n they said they might induce me at 38 weeks so baby does not grow too big ... I know they do membrane sweep which I hv read hurts alot :( ...
    I hv an us n doc appointment booked for tomorrow lets see wat happens n btw I am 28+3 weeks atm
  • @lubz I didn't have mine swept and wasn't dilated at all before I was induced. I was 39w4days when I went in and honestly if I new all my labors would be like this one was I would do it akk over again!
  • @Fate how far long were you when you got induced? I'm 40 weeks and still no baby :( but I have an appointment tomorrow
  • I was 39 weeks, 6 days.
  • @hayleegracesmommy4- im 40+3 and still nothing :( I have an appointment on friday so hopefully I get induced this weekend :(
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