my baby has horrible diaper rash!

edited June 2011 in Babies
And by horrible i mean it looks like i stuck is little bottom on one of my oven burners, its just so red and the skin is actually beggining to peeel off when i wipe him :( i use pampers sensitive wipes, and I'm applying desitine (heavily) with every change. But its not getting better! What do i do? Are there any home remedies anybody might know of? Why is it getting worse if I'm treating it at every diaper change?


  • zinc cream really thick, ever heard of modern cloth nappies, I highly recommend them u can buy osmf which means they will fit them entire time they need nappies u need abt 10 but they are worth the investment
  • It may be a yeast diaper rash.. Heres a link
  • Corn starch lots of it on his booty when you change his diaper. You can also put some in his bath water.. just have him sit on it for a little while
  • Maybe its the diapers baby's can get rashes from it just being the diaper after uve tried all the healing and it's still there try changing different diaper brands good luck hope his booty heals qiuck. poor baby!
    heard this kind works very good..and friends daughter had a really bad rash and she swears by this
  • You need to go doctors if nothings working. It could be thrush and will need proper treatment. My daughter had this when she was 6 months and i noticed a lot of healing within the first day.
  • Maybe he's allergic to the diapers? Extra virgin olive oil is supposed to be good for diaper rash and so is cornstarch. Wait a while before you put a diaper back on him...and just let him air dry.
  • My son just had the same thing. Wipe him with warm wet paper towels instead of wipes. Instead of diaper cream glob vaseline on his butt. My sons went away in a couple of days. If that doesn't help he might be allergic to the diapers.
  • These are all awesome tips! Btw
  • Stop using any wipes until it starts getting better. Use either wet paper towels or just rinse from the sink or tub.
    Make sure the area is dry before putting cream on. It could be the diaper or yeast/thrush so make a dr appointment. In the meantime give lots of diaper free time.

    Desitin is fine..don't use butt paste! My daughter just got over a bad rash from nonstop diarrhea and we used butt paste for the first time(dr recommended it!) and paste is an understatement!! It was very hard to get off and caused more pain than it was worth.

    From what it sounds like it may be more than diaper rash.
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  • Try a chamomile tea bath. Works for my baby girl. Just make sure it is just straight chamomile. She also loves bathtime so extra bonus!

    @Mrs_shut my daughter is the exact opposite, if she has diaper rash and I put desitine on her she screams like it Burns. I can only use butt paste on her. However, my son desitin was the only thing that worked. I find it fascinating how different things work on different children. :)
  • @mrs_shu not @Mrs_shut sorry, auto correct 8-X
  • Ahhh ! Good tips im writing some of these down!
  • @babyboyontheway my MIL used crisco on all her babies. lol i know it sounds crazy but it works! and its cheap!
  • Beatreuxis butt paste always worked better on a rash for me then desitin but I always use desitin to protect them from rash cus it sticks on them so good.
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  • Wen my newborn son had yeast rash it was from the brand of diapers it was real red with white stuff peeling off it.
  • edited June 2011
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  • since my daughter was born i use aveeno .. and it has work wonders for 2 years now. i am not sure if it works for your little one but it works for mines, you should give it a try, also try washing instead of wiping.. since the skin is so sensitive now.. wipes just make it worse.
  • If it is a yeast infection diaper rash you can try lotrimin cream its an antifungal. Also try like a make shift sitz bath in the sink instead of cleaning with wipes. Just dab don't wipe. Aquaphor works well also. If you are breast feeding I would stay away from acidic foods try eating bannanas they can help thicken poo. Its good to dry their bottoms completely before putting anything on them. Air is good also so if you can leave him without a diaper for a little while
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