23+3 and feeling like a COW :'( *advice*

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
So I'm not even that close to my due date and my boobs have started leaking milk. I mean not a little drop here or there I mean full streams of milk. I haven't even got any breastpads yet. I feel like a frickin cow :( is this normal?? It's the thick yellowy stuff. This is soo not cool. I wasn't expecting this till around 30weeks.


  • Is this normal? My shirts are soaked through. Advise please...
  • I think I got my first couple of drips around 19/20 weeks. My MIL said around that time, her breast were fully leaking milk. I'm sure it's normal. I bought some nursing pads, and they help A LOT at 32 weeks.
  • @babymcbride8_27 do you know if I'll leak up until he is born or will I stop at some point?
  • Start mooing ;)
    Yes its normal, people start at different times. I'm almost 22w and not leaking really but if there's uhm well lets just say hubby informed me I'm producing milk lol
  • I honestly don't know. Sorry. :( I've leaked small amounts until, say 25 weeks, or so. Then it kinda died off for awhile, and started back around 30 weeks. But, that's just me. Wish I could help more!
  • @mrs_shu it's tempting trust me lol
    @babymcbride8_27 thanks, I guess everyone is different and only time will tell.
  • What's normal in pregnancy? lol your body gets invaded and its no longer yours! Haha
  • @samiuk amen to that. I've resorted to my pregnancy book now :) though it is not helpful in anyway lmao
  • I'm 22/3 days I feel like a cow..just saying lol...havent started leaking yet...but I can squeeze and squirt! I too want my body back!!
  • I'm 29/3 days & it just started happening to me. Clear gooey stuff, lol & it kinda burns? Never read about that part but suprise suprise. Isn't being pregnant fun, lol. [A friend of mine would leak so much she had to sleep in a towel at night & would wake up soaked =/] yiiikes!!
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