Today I'm exactly 28 weeks. I'm so excited to be entering my third trimester but also anxious. Any advice on what's to come during this last part of the baking process???
@mommy2IsaiahNGiselle my frequent bathroom trips never really went away . This is my first so I still don't know if I've experienced braxton hicks yet... thanks for the advice.
Im 29 weeks and I swear I have to pee every 20 min! And heartburn from hell for about the past 8 weeks..and definitely exhausted! I feel like my pelvis has been hit by a semi lol @mommytoisaiahngiselle how are YOU doing?? No princess yet?
Lots of pain! My pelvis is killing me I can hardly walk right. I have insomnia can't sleep no matter how tired I am last night (more like this morning) I went to bed at almost 5am!. I have terrible hearburn, and if I sit or stand for too long my feet get swollen I am 32+3
I never had heartburn to begin with. The fatigue has really hit. Well the nausea has came back. Overall,I just feel worn out again. I'll be 30w tomorrow.
@mommy2isaiahngiselle bummer! Yea get to walking!! Im good..only 29 weeks but already uncomfortable hoping I only have 8 weeks left, not sure my pubic bone will handle much more pressure! And I'm ready to meet my little man and get back in shape!
I hope it goes by fast ladies!!! I'm starting to get uncomfortable at night but not too bad. My hubby better be prepared for complaining and lots of massages