Wow! This is interesting...
So I went in today for my 39 week dr visit and still NOT dilated and head is still high up. Gosh! I've never gone this far into any of my pregnancies and not have dilated at all. So I figured my dr would set up induction for this weekend possibly. I'm not real big on inductions unless medically necessary, although it is convienent for me to set one up since I have 2 toddlers at home. So apparently the hospital has changed their policies for inductions that they now go according to your original due date. So My original due date was July 10-13th. But my last 2 ultrasounds moved me up to July 5th. So now if my baby boy doesn't come on his own anytime soon, then I am scheduled for induction for July 14th at 2:00am. I'm not too disappointed, I mean I love being pregnant and figure he's in there for a reason and I look at it as God is putting His finishing touches on my baby, but I am also so excited and anxious to see his little face and hold him in my arms. So being this is baby #5 for me I just thought more would be going on with my body, but I guess my little one is way too comfy inside me, lol. What do y'all think?