So mad !!!!!!

So almost my whole life i have kept my hair dyed blonde well last year I dyed it brown n it's been that way till today... I finally went n got blonde highlights because everyone bitched that my hair was ugly brown n they liked it better blonde... well anyone with a brain cell knows that when ur dying your hair back blonde from brown that it doesn't go back light the first time!! Well as soon as I get home everyones like I thought it was going back to the way u had it &its ugly &why isn't it blonde blonde?? Like wtf!!!! Shut up!!! I'm so emotional I hate it this color too but I have to deal with it for a little if I wanna be back blonde.. im just bothered people piss me off :'(


  • Aw, people are jerks. :(
    I have natural red hair so I was never allowed to dye it and when I do, I get all kinds of crap for it. Same when I cut it which is dumb because I love having short hair or mohawks. I bleached part of my bangs blonde and red hair does not like being bleached! I've bleached it three times so far and its still got a lot of red in it! My roots are showing, so I have to dye it again soon. When I showed up to a family function after I dyed it, everyone freaked out. "Why did you dye it? It looked so pretty before!" "Why is part of your head shaved? Were you cranked like on Jackass?" Like I said, people are jerks.
  • Its our hair so y can't people stfu?! Its hard enough being prego .. I already feel like I look like hell.. so y b mean :( @VictoriaB
  • I feel crappy about my appearance too. I seriously think that people forget what pregnant women look like. My grandpa asked me if there was just one baby when I was 6 months. :( I've also gained a lot of weight and I feel like I just look really gross.
  • @VictoriaB yes my face has got extremely fat :( I'm due September 15 n can't wait!!
  • I'm due September 12th! :D I also can't wait! Mostly because I just want him here.
  • @VictoriaB I want my lil man here but I really really want my body back too!!
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