Baby Seems Frustrated w/ feeding

My baby is three week old, and seems frustrated when trying to breastfeed. Happens on both sides, she has no trouble latching on and will suck for a few minutes (1-2). Then she starts getting violent/frustrated and starts spitting the nipple out. And relatches, and starts getting fussy. She is formula fed as well.

Is it possible she's frustrated that I don't make enough milk? Anyone have any ideas as to Why this may be happening??


  • it could be several things unfortunately... nipple confusion between your nipple and bottle.
    you dont make enough milk
    difference between your milk and formula
    usually babies have to work more to get milk from breast as opposed to a bottle nipple, so that could make it frustrating
    it could be acid reflux
    it could be the hold you have her on... football hold, craddle hold, laying down when u nurse? try changing it. i had to change about 2 wks into with my son and it made a difference in the world
  • I have the same problem my daugther is bottle fed and after 2 or 3min she triex to get it out with her hands and getd real fussy
  • Try pumping and see how much milk you get. My son had that issue when he was about that age didn't have any formula but it turned out that I was producing a lot and the let down was to strong for him id have to pump and get the let down over then bf him
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