this pregnancy is.....

edited June 2011 in Second Trimester
Whipping my ass! I still have no energy, I am 5 months and look like I am 7. My feet, and back hurt everyday. Oh and its been 100+ degrees since May...and I find myself asking why did you want to do this again? I have a 10 year old and 5 year old, maybe my kids are so old that I forgot what being pregnant really was like, I used to like being pregnant! Sigh....I am just cranky and needed to tell you guys my pregnancy is fighting me and WINNING! Lord Nov, can not come soon enough....


  • I feel the same way! I'm 21 weeks and this sucks. I hate going outside cuz it's hot, my back hurts, my belly feels like I've pulled all the muscles there, and my pelvic bone has never hurt soooo much!!! sex sucks! I'm so horny but sex just hurts....feet and hands are swollen, can't even fit my wedding rings on. I wish it were November already as well!
  • @smcox you are worse than me, lol. I am this your first? I am still enjoying sex and can get my ring on, but not with my band. It has to be one or the other, lol. My feet were swollen but have since went down. Did your doc say anything about your feet or hands being swollen? I have high BP so one day my feet were swollen, I went back the next and they weren't and I had loss 6 pounds....presumed water weight! So just be careful with that. This heat jist makes it unbearable.....which their is nothing i can do about.I hope it gets better for the both of us....good luck.
  • lol @aah1la thanks :) yeah it's my first. Yeah I talked to her about a month ago and she just said that it wasn't swollen bad so she wasn't concerned...but I think when it gets to the point where I can't even get my ring on... I at least thought it was bad since I'm only 21 weeks but oh well I guess. My BP has been normal every time. I'm excited for summer to be over! lol
  • @smcox as long as your blood pressure has been good then you should be fine. Where do you live? This is my third and by far the really feel like I am about to give birth and I am not even close. I think with the heat, weight and being so tired I am really losing! Lol Yes summer please hurry up and be over, please and thank you summer! Lol
  • @ash1la I live in sourthern california. Found out today that I'm having signs of preterm labor, put on bed rest...woohoo this is definitely gonna be a long summer haha awesome
  • @smcox Where in SC....I am from Mission Viejo. That sucks major ass! What did the doc say?
  • I'm from mv too!! I went to cool is that!
  • So did I!!!!!! What yr did u graduate...@katie8610
  • lol I'm from Mission Viejo too. I went to Trabuco Hills though. I moved to Moorpark back in October cuz I got married. But I'm down in Mission Viejo all the time cuz my parents still live there and all my friends. :) I've been having a lot of pressure and pain in my abdomen and my pelvic bone hurts everytime I move and sex hurts soooo bad. I guess those are signs of preterm labor. @ash1la
  • ahh i'm in the second trimester now and i thought we were supposed to be less tired.. i'm still tired and i take two naps a day lol
  • What a small small world! @smcox and @cee808. I had some good friends that went to Trabuco. I used to practice there....'07 dang I am old....I graduated in '98, lol. Both of my sisters went there as well! One graduated in '01 and the other one in '04.

    Yes @cee808 that is what they say but I am still energy! Like I said. I am losing this battle, lol.
  • I'm with you..third baby 22 butt has been kicked lol I was getting worried about the swollen feet because they felt so tight but today no pain just swollen. I still nap every day. Somehow I'm not as hungry as the first trimester and aren't eating as much yet gained 4 pounds in a week! I'm waiting for strangers to ask me when I'm gonna pop lol just one bite of pizza can give me heartburn :(
  • Yes @mrs_shu a nap is a must! My eyes are on fire right now as I type! Heaetburn hasn't kicked in, but I do feel so much farther and probably look it too. But no one will be honest with me! They all say that I look like I am 5 months...the problem is I have gained all the weight in my thighs, behind and boobs!
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