cloth diapers anyone??

edited June 2011 in Equipment & Supplies
We are considering using cloth diapers for Gumdrop. We've never used them for our other kids, but with all the new sources out we are thinking of trying it. Any opinions, ideas, advice, tips, anything I am happy to hear them. I want to do it to save money and be environmentally smart, but worried they will be a hassle. Any info is appreciated. Thanks Pregly friends!


  • My mom used them on me. All she ever said about it was rinse them in the toilet and don't forget the rubber covers lol. Oh and be careful to not stab baby with pin. I could never do it lol cause I have bad luck and I know my baby would over flow some how lmao. Thank you for being good to our planet :)
  • I think cloth diapers will always hve u extra busy. Not only do u have to wash them but u have to buy the plastic lil cover ups u hve to worry about leaks if ur out n about. Also about thw baby moving n getting stuck by whatevea is gonna hold.them together. I only use them as burp pads n for whn company wnts to hold baby n i dnt wnt babys face on there clothes . But good luck
  • Cloth diapers have come a long way! The burp cloths people use are usually the gerber prefolds that u buy at walmart, they're not ideal cloth. Look up happy heinys, fuzzibuns, bumgenious, econobums, ect. Go to or I just had a cloth diaper party on june 3rd, to learn about them and we're using them. The start up cost, may seem like a lot up front but u save so much. And its one extra load of laundry every 2-3 days. You use a diaper pail and wash em. Theres a discussion on this in my profile thing, check it out, or if u have more ?s I can try to answer, or I can give u websites with awesome info.
  • I'll be using BumGenius all in ones once shes about a month old. Only thing that I would ask yourself is who will be watching your baby. If you plan on going back to work or have baby in childcare, I wouldn't go cloth. :) Everything else really is easy! they have come a long way!!! Look into the brands @Seifer12211 mentioned or any brand that has the ALL IN ONE option, not pre folds. :)
  • you'll also be saving your baby from diaper rashes or painful burns that can occur like from Pampers Dry Max. and some babies are allergic to certain brands/kinds of disposable diapers and it may take you a while and $$$ to find out what your baby is allergic to.
  • I wanna get some fuzzibuns one size. They're really colorful and the baby can wear them from birth to potty training! Only problem is I live in an apartment with a laundry room. It would just take more effort to do laundry which I already hate doing!
  • @Seifer12211 and @MrsForsee thanks so much for the info. I'm going to be doing some research on the sites you gave me. She willl be the only little one at home, and I'll be here with her. We are a busy family (3 older siblings) but for the mst part its just running kids around. I was thinking that I would have Huggies around for the busy, traveling times, but otherwise should try cloth. I will do more research and I am going to look at your discussion @Seifer12211 thanks again :)
  • Anytime :) theres some hybrid cloth diapers (flip or grovia) that can eith have cloth inserts or disposable too (for on the go) oh and if you go to diaperswappers forum, beware because they make u wanna buy and try a lot of diff types and haveva huge stash lol :P
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