I'm so tired of him now. Venting I guess

I'm fed up. At the end of my rope. Yesterday he leaves and takes my phone b/c his is off. No problem. He leaves his phone b/c I have to Pregly from the wifi internet in my home thru his phone and really dont like using my laptop. Anywho, his phone had a notification from facebook so I dragged it down (android) and clicked it. Once I do that it opens up all his notifications where I notice it says some female tagged him in a photo. Me assuming its an old school pic of him or something that she maybe had, clicks on it only to be greeted by a pair of "titties" in a bra talkin bout "me in my wonder braaaa" as the caption. Im like HUH WTF NO THIS BITCH AINT OH NOOOO. So upon further investigation I notice her only photos are straight hooch! I'm talkin ass and titties in every photo. So im wondering when did him and this chick become "acquainted." Didnt have to wonder long b/c in his notifications it said "bigtittybitch" (dont remember her name) has accepted your friend request. Huh? really? that's what we do on fb now? look for hoes. So I call his ass up and demand to know who the hell this is. His response.... "idk" so I say if you dont know her what the hell u requested her for. Is there something Ur looking for? U know what he has the nerve to say to me? "And if im looking so what?" I just hung up. Im still so pissed about it I can't even look at much less talk to his ass. No apology, just straight shit talking like he always does with his little subliminal updates about us on FB. Fine I haven't said a word but now im PISSED.

This morning I go on my FB to see that he posted a status along the lines that the only support he has for his career is from his "team." First of all, he's an aspiring artist and is very talented. I will give him that. look him up on youtube if u want anyways im pissed and hurt for him to insinuate some shit about me like that b/c I am and have always been his biggest advocate when it comes to his music. I just dont get it. he'd rather be with me than leave to go the studio, his words and not mine so wtf am I to do? I never tell him not to go, I always encourage his ass. I listen to HOURS of him singing and watching him dance. I'm like wtf more do u want from me?! I honestly just am to the point where I dont care anymore.
I know this probably sounds so vague but im really done with caring. If its not about my lil boy I feel like its irrelevant.

hormones? I dont think so. probably. who knows. I just really needed to vent somewhere and all I've got is pregly....


  • Men can be pigs! I caught my husband looking at porn during each of my pregnancies and i seriosly wanned to kick his a$$!!!!!! I find it to b very disresectful for married men to look at porn. I know he still does but i try to tell myself he doesnt. Its totally ok to b mad.
  • edited June 2011
    Being pregnant is not always easy. Just give him a few hours and talk through it. But let him know how it will make him feel if you were looking for some fun. So always reverse it. If not, just let it go, until pregnancy is over and hopefully the child will make things sparkle between the two. But unfortunately, men only care of their own needs. A child cannot change his direction for the good. But i still hope it happens.
  • I think that's their only excuse. Just because he's an artist,he doesn't HAVE to look. And if hoes catches his attention,the that's really sad. Who the hell does that on fb(that shit ain't MySpace,smh!) But anyways I would be pissed as shit.
  • Sheesh! Sorry he's being mean to you!
  • My ex was checking out other chicks on a dating site and when I saw it on my laptop's history, I was really hurt and upset. When I confronted him about it, all he said was, "I don't remember doing that". He just left it at that and watched tv and ignored me until I started crying. He was a f##king asshole and I'm glad to be rid of him.
    I don't think its 100% hormones in your case, but probly some. He just seems to have that same douchey trait as my ex. That being said, he could be a good guy besides that and was just looking, that's it. Idk him so I can't really judge, just try to give advice. Maybe he'll feel bad and delete her if you start crying about it while talking to him about it in person (worked for me with ex).
  • @victoriab
    Idk what his motives were. Honestly im to the point to make myself not care and because of that I refuse to cry. I dont think he should feel me just because I cry. He should've seen it was wrong to begin with. I just wish I could do this shit to him so he'd know what it felt like but im a pregnant blob. He's comfortable knowing I really have no one. that's what I think.
  • @excitedforbaby
    I swear that's the same mess I said a couple days before this. Only hoes sell their pu$$y over a website. save the mess for MySpace not facebook and his ass fell in it
  • Hmmm what about letting him catch you talking with someone else(not really talking to them but making it look like you are) and just download naked men pics to your phone and leave it so he can look one time.
  • @excitedforbaby
    I have a good mind to show how it feels.... you have my same mentality lol
  • Bizarre question....did she happen to have paw print tattoos?

    You have a right to be hurt amd angry. That was a hurtful post (support) and it was done to dig at you.
  • They should know its wrong, but some men can be really thick. There are idiots who will look/chase anything that moves and then there are men who realize what they have and they're thankful for it.
  • @mommyof3girls
    I can't help but feel like he's looking b/c im not enough for him.. Idk how to get over it. Youre stronger than me in this category for sure...
  • @mrs_shu
    lol I dont remember what the big titty bitch had fatter on her. I saw titties and automatically saw red flames after... and he knows what he said and when I confront him he acts dumb so I feel like there is no point to even say anything. he plays stupid so I have no choice but to give up
  • edited June 2011
    I doubt he'll change but its always wishful thinking I guess when it comes to this mess. Im tired of talking to him though. He plays the dumb card and it just irritates me more so I've resorted to not caring...
  • Understandable lol I asked cuz my oldests 'father' was tagged in a half naked skanks pic. I say skank cuz (of course I clicked lol) every single pic was her in bra and panties trying to be sexy with cellulite thighs in the bathroom mirror! I know its not his fiancée lol
  • edited June 2011
    I know what you're going through. My baby father is a ball player....so when I got with him I was used to groupie acting females, but he never gave me any reason to trip over it. But one day we were together and he left his facebook up on my laptop and I notice he's been sending friend requests to these bummy looking broads, and I'm not one to stress over facebook, but come to find out he had the nerve to be exchanging numbers with these same chicks...so I flipped the f*** out, I mean really you're just hitting up random ass chicks like there's nothing wrong with that...and when I confront him, of course he has the lamest excuses and had the nerve to call me crazy for going through his stuff.. WTF?? My advice to you is don't even stress over that, it's not good for you or the baby. I know where you're coming from trust me...
  • That's horrible hopefully you guys can talk it out!!!
  • You have a right to be mad I would freak the f out if my boyfriend did that, and don't let him blame it on hormones I hated that when I was pregnant anytime I got upset people would blame my hormones..um no if its something that you would be mad about if you weren't prego its not hormones, i mean if he ate all the cookies n you got mad yeah that may be hormones and what he did was very disrespectful in my opinion you have a right to be upset..
  • @sounique26
    im trying to do the best I can to just shut my mouth and make myself not care... that's the only thing and reason stopping me from going off the handle. Men will be men I suppose..
  • @ARand89
    exactly what im saying... everything is always hormones but its all good. im just gonna leave it the hell alone. sick or arguing and getting no where cause he doesn't feel like he did something wrong.
  • yeah he needs his ass kicked for stupidity alone.. wtf.. i dont care if he was just friending her so he could look at her nasty pics.. but why the f is she tagging him.. whore.. any ways id be upset too.. and being pregnant only adds to the situation..
  • @k_baBix0
    I know how you feel, but the arguing always becomes pointless to me, because he always wants to be right, which leads to more arguing and we never come up with a solution. And I refuse to cry, because what I realized is while I'm sitting there sad, hurt, and angry...he's walking around still doing him. So girl don't even let that get you down, keep your happiness & your sanity for you and the little one.
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