acrylic nails?

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I used to have acrylic nails at the beginning of my pregnancy, but then I took them off because I thought I didn't want them when the baby is born cause I worried about scratching her or hurting her. Any mom find that you easily scratched the baby by accident or they got in the way for taking care of the baby? I don't get them long, I like them short. I've recently have been missing them and wanting them back.


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  • Do you know if the hospital permits them when in labor? I heard something that we cant have them or else they take them off because they cant see the oxygen flow in our nail bits or something like that? Im dyiing to get mine done as well
  • I have a 6.5week old just got mine done yesterday and haven't had any problems taking care of her
  • I'd be worried about getting poop under them. when I used to get my nails done I woud always get crap under them.
  • I always get mine done long, so after baby gets here I wont get them done for awhile because I'm scared of scratching her.
  • I'm having them through pregnancy and taking them off close to my due date
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