hmmm please maybe close

edited June 2011 in Third Trimester
I've been having probay bh contractions :-all morning like 4 hours or so no pattern unconfortable but not painfull. Had little of snotty thick discharge last night no blood. Could i be getting close. Dilated 2 last week. 36 + |


  • Wow sounds like its getting closer....
  • I guess at this point everything you feel us like could this be it? Please be it then it goes away and your like damn it
  • You could be very close to that time... I will be 37 weeks on Monday and at my Dr's visit today I was 2 & 1/2 cm dialated and was 40% effaced and she also felt the head so I'm hoping to have my baby here very soon... good luck to u sweetie :)
  • These last couple of weeks are pure torture!!!!
  • Getting closer! Good Luck!
  • Getting close! I'm 35+4 today and I've been having non stop bh all day and all last night. Some were crampy but mostly just uncomfortable!
  • I never hardly yourself of them before this baby. It all stopped now though. She likes to keep me second guessing.
  • Wow that made no sense never had bh that lasted all day sorry
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