please pray.
On my way to the hospital for bleeding and passing small clots. I went to the doctor Tuesday for bleeding and he told me that it could be my subchorionic hematoma bleeding out and resolving. My cervix is closed and I'm still having nausea and my boobs are still very sore. He said this is all good, and my sonogram showed the baby is fine with a strong heart beat. The clots and the blood are a reddish brown color, which means its old blood. I have an appointment in the morning and bf thinks I should wait unless I really think I need to go. I'm nine weeks, I have had no pain or cramping, and I don't know what I think. I wanna believe that like doctor said, its the hematoma resolving, but I fear the worst. Advice and prayers are appreciated. Thank you all!
@wallieheadbaby3 I'm not sure if I'm rh- or not, I can't remember if I've been tested yet. I know my blood type is a+. That's exactly what's going on with me! To a t! I'm so glad I'm not alone. Thank you! I'll keep you all updated!
Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers! I love that I have such great support and friends here!