please pray.

On my way to the hospital for bleeding and passing small clots. I went to the doctor Tuesday for bleeding and he told me that it could be my subchorionic hematoma bleeding out and resolving. My cervix is closed and I'm still having nausea and my boobs are still very sore. He said this is all good, and my sonogram showed the baby is fine with a strong heart beat. The clots and the blood are a reddish brown color, which means its old blood. I have an appointment in the morning and bf thinks I should wait unless I really think I need to go. I'm nine weeks, I have had no pain or cramping, and I don't know what I think. I wanna believe that like doctor said, its the hematoma resolving, but I fear the worst. Advice and prayers are appreciated. Thank you all!


  • @wallieheadbaby3 anything like this for you?
  • Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way, hun!
  • @ahhtigerstripes1104 sending positive vibes your way hon, everything will be ok. keep us updated.
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  • Yes! That is exactly how my bleeding started and it was back and forth between brown and red. Sometimes a lot and sometimes just a little. They would do ultrasounds to make sure the baby was ok and check how much blood was there and where it was coming from. I would always bleed enough where I had to wear a pad though. I am praying for you guys. I don't want to say not to go in because of what I went through although it seems to be the same thing... but I want u to be safe. They put me on complete bed rest and pelvic rest so I would say if u choose not to go try and just lay still until ur appointment and if you start cramping go immediately... that's what they told me. Do u know if your blood type is rh- or not? My Dr said possibly because I hadn't gotten a rogam shot my body was attacking the baby because our blood was different. Please keep me updated. You situation brings back memories and fears I had... if you need me for anything I'm here for u.
  • Prayers that all is ok! I bet your doc is right.
  • Thank you @all very very much! For the prayers and everything else!
    @wallieheadbaby3 I'm not sure if I'm rh- or not, I can't remember if I've been tested yet. I know my blood type is a+. That's exactly what's going on with me! To a t! I'm so glad I'm not alone. Thank you! I'll keep you all updated!
  • I know as long as your still having pregnancy symptoms its a really great sign... they told me my morning sickness was a great sign because its your bodys way of telling u that your hormones are still high. :) I know its very scary... just try and rest as much as possible... I'll be waiting for an update.
  • Thank you everyone! I've talked to my doctor FINALLY instead of his answering service. Nurse told me that the people who told me to go to the er are very wrong! She said everything is perfectly fine. It's probably old blood from the hematoma just like I thought. @wallieheadbaby3 looks like everything is going same for both of us! :)
    Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers! I love that I have such great support and friends here!
  • Always and anytime hun. I'm so happy that you are ok. :)
  • awww belly buddy i hope u and baby are okay. just stay in bed and relaxx.
  • Sending prayers! Good luck hun. Trust me, I know bleeding during pregnancy is a scary thing. Hopefully it'll be just fine.
  • Im praying for you love .. i know it can be scary i had had a lot of bright red bleeding when i was 17 weeks. but luckily everything worked out im now 28w1d (my doctor told me bleeding during pregnancy can be caused by so many things and sometimes they dont know what the reason is smh).. so just relax and try to stay calm and go find out what going on :) * keep us updated
  • Thank you @ahendricks09, @tishj330, @first_timer89, @oregonmama, @bensmama, @firsttimemommytobe, and @kristaf22! Everything is fine and I appreciate the kind words and prayers from @all of you! I'll keep everyone updated tomorrow morning!
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  • your welcome hun and that good to hear .. ;-)
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