Maternity Leave and Disability Leave?

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
My doctor told me I cant take a leave till August 11. I am due September 11. So I can get Disability Leave.

I live in the state of CA. So can someone help me understand how this works and how your paid also FMLA. I'm so confuse. Or if you can direct me to a website.

Thank you :)


  • edited June 2011
    @patiently_waiting- I know this was so confusing for me too. Hopefully you can understand me. My employer is paying me for the 4 weeks prior to my due date so that was easy. But after baby is born I get paid through std short term disability the first 6 weeks I get 100% of my pay after that I get 4 weeks partial pay at 65% then after that it's 0%. Fmla basically is what protects your job they do not pay you.
  • I left work on disability at 25 weeks due to high risk. so state disability is paying me til go go back to work five months, later :)
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