fathers addicted to online gaming?

I want to knock mine out, ugh! Lol.


  • Mine stays on some type of online game or xbox live from the time he walks I'm from work til he goes to bed... So annoying however if I say babe he knows to drop what he's doing immediately and come see what I need or he won't have internet to play his games anymore...
  • My ex was bad with gaming. Wouldn't go to work so he could stay home and play. Needless to say I left his a$$
  • Ugh mine does da same comes in from wrk & eats after dat its xbox all night til he sleeps, I can't stand out it want to kill him & da dumb xbox!!! Sometimes I just gotta throw a fit fort him to realize deres another world & he's got stuff to do!! Lol I feel yur pain
  • @carrie, my husband is a big WoW player & he used to be into COD on xbox. For a while, he would alternate days for them, but now he's just on WoW. I'm sure his gaming could be a lot worse, but since I've been pregnant it's driving me extra crazy!

    @sands3, my husband can get bad with gaming but he goes to work & makes sure we have everything we need. He plays for a bit after work & at night on weekends so we can do stuff. It drives me nuts, & I complain a lot, but I know he's not as bad as some men get. It just really sucks because I have yet to venture out with my shyness so while he plays I'm lonely lol.
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  • @2ndbutfirst, when my husband was a COD fan I attempted to play at one point, but I had the hardest time with the controls lol! & as far as WoW goes, he's too focused with his game to teach me.

    @1stTime_Mommy, my husband tends to eat in front of the laptop sometimes, that's gets me so mad! Lol. But my husband gets off if I tell him too as well.
  • @USMCwifemommy101107, long time no see me on Pregly? Lol. All those vacations home had me busy, now I'm back to the usual doing nothing here in NC.
  • @momma_tiffay my hubby had a WoW acct until I cancelled it because he pissed me off once that's why now anytime I need or want something there is no questions asked and it doesn't matter if he's in the middle of something or not. Now he plays world of tanks or EQ and COD but not as much as before
  • My fiances obsessed with WoW! Urgh hes on it non stop and everythings IN A MINUTE! Urghhhh
  • edited June 2011
    Haha yea he will to after a lil nagging but then pouts like a lil 5yr lol, he wrks nights so he gets home @ 2am, we dnt spend much time together cuz he stays up all night playing then all day sleeping til he has to go to wrk again
  • Yeah in a minute several times is what got his acct cancelled and I dared him to activate it back... We have a 3 year old and one on the way and at the time he was a student and I was working full time... I wasn't gonna deal with it anymore... I absolutely cannot get into online gaming and I don't understand the addiction at all
  • We should all get together next week. Connor has school Wednesday and Thursday but no plans Friday
  • Lol my boyfriend is addicted to WoW!!! Omg! I swear once he gets on that computer its like I don't exist anymore! Lol it annoys me sometimes but he's Lima a secret computer geek so I think its cute! Lol he made me am account and has been trying to teach me...its fun but I couldnt play without his help I'd be so lost lol
  • @carrie, my husbands WoW acct is in his name under his debit card, he's the only one making money in our household... so that's out of question. But I've threatened to cut the cord numerous times, one day I just might!

    Louisesfirstbaba, I hate the one minute comment, its ALWAYS longer than just a minute! Lol.

    @1stTime_Mommy, we need to crack down on these men, lol!

    @2ndbutfirst, I guess I could learn on my own, but I really just don't have the time between two kids & another on the way, maintaining the apt & preparing all the meals ahhh.

    @sands3, we really should! How did the last playdate go? Unfortunately I wasn't around at the time, but I'm back now! :)

    @brttnywstn14, I guess you could say my husbands a computer geek as well. He gets totally into it, & he wears these huge headphones! He bought a $100 mouse just because it has extra buttons for gaming & he wants to eventually buy a laptop specifically for gaming... oh brother lol. I'd probably be lost too had I ever had the chance to actually check the game out.
  • Lol my boyfriend built his computer specifically for gaming! Lol
  • Mines was really bad too. I've never complained cause at least he stayed home.
  • We had a great time. It wasn't to hot that day. I'd love to do it again soon. I've been out of town for about a week, how's the smoke there?
  • I love WoW! I don't play anymore, but i let him play. He works from 1-9pm and so at night it doesn't bug me. Now he plays LoL and Magic Online. Which doesn't bother me. I knew he was a gamer from the start, im not going to change him and like I said, its not a big deal since he o my plays at night. And I play the games too.
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