Ladies I need your help and advice Please

Ok so this is the first time I have to vent about something and sorry if it is long. My daughter is turning 8 on Saturday and I want to tell my husbands grandma not to give her a present because I don't need it. I have noticed that she helps all the grand children she has except my husband it makes me sad that he sometimes realizes it. His cousin that has 2 little girls has always depended on his grandma. When she use to live here her and her boyfriend never paid one cent of rent and yet the grandma supported them and bought everything for the little girls. Now that she moved to Chile the grandma is still sending money to support her and I am like wtf she can work and go to school. I now live with the grandma because we are trying to help each other out because we will be moving to Chile in August. Every month we pay rent, bills, and buy everything we need for our 2 girls and try to save up for our trip. So here comes the fucked up part she sees us struggling and she still bitches and complains to my husband when we sometimes can't buy food or put gas in the car and she says we never help.....that pisses me off because the cousin lived here rent free for almost 4 years and my husband has always helped her regardless if we had money or not. I don't need her help or anything she can keep her money and presents and give it to the cousin. My girls have everything because of us. Sorry if it was long but I needed to let it out


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  • @mshahir it does suck and I feel bad for my husband because he notices it. For my baby shower she didn't give me anything and he felt bad because she always went her way out to get the cousins kids things my opinion I really don't care but I have been wanting to tell her to not worry about my daughters birthday present but it's hard and I know it will cause problems in the house
  • That's a tough one, because even though you may not care, your daughter is getting old enough to see the favoritism as well, and it WILL hurt her. I say let her get a gift... you're moving soon, so you wont have to worry much longer... I hope!
  • Id leave it alone.. Unless she starts complaining about money.. Than u can mention it in passing.. To try not cause prob
  • I want to leave it alone but it just bothers me the way she is and it upsets me because I know it hurts my husband because he complains to me
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  • Mira esa senora se ve que tiene favoritos! No le hagas caso y ignorala! Si ella dice algo tu aprovechas y le dices lo que sientes! Pero por el regalo d tu hija deja q le regale si quiere si no pues esta usted y tu esposo con su regalo suerte !
  • @janellesmommie si a ella no le importa nada y eso no me gusta una vez si nos pelamos y su respuerst porque ella le ayudo mas a la prima era porque ella era mujer pero el novio?? ademas el se emborrachava todos los dias y no le dicia nada y ahora que ella esta en su pais no ace nada nomas me da tristesa porque mi esposo siempre quiere ayudar
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