Due July 25th - Roll Call/Questions or Comments

edited July 2011 in July 2011
Am due July 25th (well csection schduled for that date)
And wondering if anyone else out there have 100+ questions they wanna ask but feel dum asking? How many ppl have the same wonders as me? And it don't matter how dum u may think it is but that's what we/pregly is here for and also let's get to know each other....


  • 37 + weeks
    Baby girl (Dejanis Xiomara)
    Baby #4
    And like I said before schdule on the 25th of July.

    Should I even try the home remedie just to hurry things up a bit? What should I try?
    Or should I just woman it up and let the date come?
    What should be packed?
    And what the hardest daily thing to do now that baby bump is to its max?

  • my due date was the 12th but i will be in the hospital wednesday to get induced.
    i have been 1cm dilated and 50% thinned out for over a week and that happened without me trying to jump start labor. so i tried walking, squats, exercise ball & sex but nothing worked. so im back to doing nothing hoping that i progress while just sitting here. l0l! ..
    have you progressed at all?
  • @ittybitty ~ idk, I had an appt yesterday but had to reschdule till next week? When do doctors start checking that? I ask cause my doc hasn't started checking that yet and am 37 wks.
  • your dr hasnt started checking you? oh my.. do you go every week?
    this is my first so im not really experienced in the field BUT i thought that they would be checking you by now. my dr started checking me at 35 weeks.
  • @ittybitty ~ no she hasn't. I think I was suppose to start seeing her everyweek but she went on vacation last wk and this wk appt I had to reschdule. So I wouldn't be seeing her till next wk Wednesday. And its funny u asked that cause to me it just seem like this month she's alway on vacation. For example she was on vacation last wk and then she will be on vacation the wk I turn 39weeks and that why she schdule my csection at 40 wks cause she won't be here. Am starting to think my dr sucks
  • some docs dont check you until 40 wks or in labor. apparently one of my docs does that. but i have the same doc i had with my son and they started checking at 36 wks. so who knows.
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