Due July 25th - Roll Call/Questions or Comments
Am due July 25th (well csection schduled for that date)
And wondering if anyone else out there have 100+ questions they wanna ask but feel dum asking? How many ppl have the same wonders as me? And it don't matter how dum u may think it is but that's what we/pregly is here for and also let's get to know each other....
And wondering if anyone else out there have 100+ questions they wanna ask but feel dum asking? How many ppl have the same wonders as me? And it don't matter how dum u may think it is but that's what we/pregly is here for and also let's get to know each other....
Baby girl (Dejanis Xiomara)
Baby #4
And like I said before schdule on the 25th of July.
Should I even try the home remedie just to hurry things up a bit? What should I try?
Or should I just woman it up and let the date come?
What should be packed?
And what the hardest daily thing to do now that baby bump is to its max?
i have been 1cm dilated and 50% thinned out for over a week and that happened without me trying to jump start labor. so i tried walking, squats, exercise ball & sex but nothing worked. so im back to doing nothing hoping that i progress while just sitting here. l0l! ..
have you progressed at all?
this is my first so im not really experienced in the field BUT i thought that they would be checking you by now. my dr started checking me at 35 weeks.