Do hemrrhoids really go away after??

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
I read an article that said 3rd trimester getting hemerrhoids was common but they wil/ go away after birth... Is that true in most cases??


  • From what I know yes :)
  • Mine didn't :( and my daughter will be 19 months and neither did my sister's
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  • Mine didn't and now pregnant with my second there worse and I'm only 19weeks.
  • they never go away unless you have them removed.
  • Mine come back every now and then but I'd rather that than some doctor slicing chunks outa my ass!
  • Mine didn't and now they r back with a vengeance
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  • :-( So basically it will probably not be as painful after baby, but will not go away 100% unless I have it surgically removed? And when I have my 2nd baby ill most likely get it back full blown sooner than this time? And no one knows for sure if that is a really painful procedure or not??
  • they can go away, some need to have them removed, and you can try to push them back in yourself (tmi) use your imagination.
  • They go away, but never fully. I've always had them return, and I got them w my son who is now almost 4. And ib asked my doc about the surgery and he said that its a reaLlly painful surgery
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