I also get this feeling but its under my left breast. It's very painful but my doctor said its just reflex from my hormones changing. He recommended Zantac and it seems to be helping. Do u feel it only after meals and when you're laying down?
Sometimes if im slouching, I get tingles under both boobs I think its just from being so squished like everything is.pushing up, when I stand.and stretch back it seems to go away
Do you get it like right where your bra line is ? I'm 34 weeks and I get it so much I have to unhook my bra just to get some relief, I don't have any idea what it is but it seems common and might just be heart burn or something I guess, I'll ask at my next doc apt and see what she says
@akmommy yes! Right where the boon overlaps. Meanwhile my, while we are on the topic of boobies, mine never hung over like that. They were small firm and perky! >:p