2 wk old is very gassy help

edited July 2011 in Parenting
Can I give him gas drops? Or any other options? He was screaming his head off last night and I felt helpless.....


  • I started giving my daughter gas drops around 6 wks, they never worked. I switched her to sensitive tummy formula and playtex drop in bottles and that solved our problem.
  • yes gas drops I think its mylicon (sp) also what kind of bottles are you using?? I had the same problem with my son
  • You can try gripe water; it's homeopathic & always worked very well for me. You can also look for homeopathic gas drops, but I'm not sure if they work b/c I never tried them.
    Also try gently rubbing baby's belly in a clockwise motion; sometimes that helps get the air moving. Also try burping your baby a little longer. Good luck, I know gassy babies aren't much fun! =(
  • I used them with my daughter the other day and didn't notice any difference. I have heard A LOT of people recommend gripe water
  • Yeah gripe water is good! Immediate relief!
  • Are you formula feeding or breast feeding? Sometimes, it can take a while to find a formula that doesn't upset baby's digestive system.
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  • Mostly breast but supplementing formula sometimes....i have a really hard time getting him to burp and he always gets the hiccups.. How much is gripe water and where do I find it
  • ....so Its safe to give him gas drops ? And is it normal for him to spit up breast milk?
  • It's perfectly normal for him to spit up breast milk. All babies spit up, no matter what they're eating. I never used the gas drops, so I don't know if they're safe. I found gripe water at Safeway; you should be able to find it at Walmart, Target, etc. You may have to ask where they hide it; I remember it being a pain to find. It's no more than gas drops; maybe $6, tops.
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