Question need an answer please

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
Ok so yesterday me and my husband had sex and after we had sex I laid down for about 15 min so then I stood up and feltthis really bad cramp from my belly button down to my vagina it was unbearable I had to stand up slowly because it was really painfully, anyway it went away and I went to the restroom and felt my vagina and it felt swollen and hard such thing I had never felt it that way after sex or anytime and its not like that this morning or as much... what is going on should I be worried?? Sorry if its tmi for some I just don't want to call my doctor and for it to be nothing or normal...


  • edited July 2011
    BTW I'm a first time mommy so I don't know what half the thing I'm suppose to feel or if its normal, or what the heck I don't even know what dialating is suppose to feel like or what a mucous plug look like... :-??
  • Ummm... you got me... but ill bump it for u! :D
  • I have a little pain on my sides after sex but never what you're describing. I think my vaginas swollen also but hubby says no. How far along are you?
  • Did you have an orgasm? If so, your uterus contracts and gets all hard for awhile. It's more weird than anything else. Maybe that had something to do with it?
  • @lily_glz I'm 25 as of today!:)
    @babynumbersix I know I dont know if its normal or som I should worry about, but Thanks thou!
  • Even me not being preggo my stuff gets swollen sometimes. Maybe try lube or not so rough. I don't know about you but my kooter is fat so during sex the outside rubs wrong and gets swollen. It help to take a warm bath. I personally don't think its nothing to worry about but you still might want to mention it to your doc just in case.
  • @blueberrysmom yea I did but I've had orgasm before and it never felt this way, maybe because I'm short and skinny this happenes:/
  • And the pains I agree with @blueberrysmom. Or maybe you moved to fast that's happened to me too.
  • I'm 32wks.. hmmm that's a tough one hope someone has an answer for you.. I think if it'll ease your mind just call your dr :)
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  • @Homebirthadvocate o well that makes sence but what about the really bad cramp I got afterwards does it just mean I have to take it slower?
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  • edited July 2011
    Tmi question but do you have sex frequently? And even if your not rough, is your man above average and penetrate deep a lot. If so that could be it. Sorry for all the personal questions lol but I can't all that often it hurts to bad but my fiance is far from small at least to me. And he likes deep penetration like 85 percent of the sex lol occasionally not but I always get more swollen and tender and stuff after sex and the crampy. I don't really feel cramps just a dull ache for a while after cuz.of the.deep penetration and putting pressure upwards toward your growing uterus an. I think its the extra blood like homebirthadvocate said but for me its my inside walls swollen like I'm tighter less distance from top to bottom and the outer part of my lips. That's why I.dont that often its pretty uncomfortable for me.

    Hope I somewhat helped. Lol
  • edited July 2011
    @kgb10 yes I do like everyday o have to remind myself that its not ok so we try every other day :) but yea I feel better not so worries! Thank you! And yes I feel the same way about my hubby hes on the bigger side;)
    @Homebirthadvocate Thank you for answering my question I get a little paranoid sometimes...;)
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