on my way to l&d plez pray for me and my little girl



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  • Thank you for the update! I hope things continue to improve!
  • I'm trying to figure out how to post updates so it showes up on the discussion...does any one kno how to do that?
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  • Do you want to change the title? If so, go into your original post and click the little edit button. You can change it from there. A lot of folks put the time so people know where to check for the update.
  • @missmommy28 they started me on the steroids there going to give me the other one tomorrow...I never started to have contractions witch is good my water just broke
  • @ blueberrysmom thank u bc I had no idea how to do it but I've seen it done b4
  • Prayers she stays put!!
  • Praying for u and the little one
  • Lots of prayers hun. Squeeze the legs as tight as you can. Don't let her out just yet. Hoping to get a smile from ya :) good luck and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
  • @momof5 LOL yea that's what I'm going. She has to cook a little longer... LOL my baby shower is in 3weeks so now everyone is asking me wen it will b I keep telling them wen I come home bc I dnt want to have at at the hospital
  • Oh hun,I'm sorry that your having a difficult time. I am praying for you. Please keep updating. Much love and luck to you.
  • I'm glad things are good so far... I'll keep you two in my prayers. Every day is a blessing! Keep us updated- you know how us pregly's get all worked up! ;)
  • I'll keep you in my prayers! I hope everything works out for you and the baby!
  • So glad she's going to be able to stay in a little longeer! :) Praying she can stay in as long as possible!!
  • My prayers are with you both
  • Just tell them that you have more important things to worry about right now then the baby shower. Keep relaxed and no stressing. Keep baby happy. :)
  • I hope all is going well with you two!
  • Praying for you and your little one.
  • Praying for u n ur little one
  • Prayers for the baby n you O:)
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  • I'm so glad to hear you and baby are doing ok. Hopefully she can stay in for as long as possible. Prayers for you both :-S
  • Silly swollen fingers, thats supposed to be :)
  • Good luck mama sending prayers your way hun!
  • Any updates? I hope everything is ok.
  • Hope things are going well now. For the babyshower it can be a welcome baby shower. That's what we did for my cousin. Good luck and lots of prayers!
  • Thanks everyone....I just moved from L&D I'm still on the maturnity flood but I'm not on as many meds n need don't need to b as monitered...I can eat now and I just want to eat a whole cow lol... but the baby is still going good she is making more fluids but I'm still leaking a little bit... they said as long as I don't get an infection she can stay in
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