should it last this long?

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
I've been having what I believe to be round ligament pain since I got home from the doc around noon. Is it normal for it to last this long? It's rather uncomfortable :( lol.


  • I've had it last 2 days before. It's def no fun. Hope it goes away soon! Try tylenol and a bath.
  • Thank you @mommyofone a bath sounds perfect! I've been using a hot pack on my back and it put me to sleep lol. I literally dreamt of taking a bath. Lol!
  • I have an irritated nerve that I have had for a month or longer now my doc told me it will go away after I give birth until then I can use heat n tylonal which isn't helping! N I can't take baths cause of my seizures it sucks so bad! I hope urs gets better soon hun I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy!
  • You're right @oregonmama, it sucks big time. I don't even wanna move :( plus I've been bleeding/spotting since Monday because my body is getting rid of a blood clot, and I just feel like crap! Lmao! It's all worth it in the end.
  • Ohh, @mommakk88, I hope you find some relief! That's insane :( how much longer do you have?
  • i work out all the time and dont get them.. but for some reason, when im doing my nightly walk i get them so bad i have to stop and lean foward.. let my tummy hang.. lol.. it actually realieved the pain though.. i hope you feel better.. i know it can be painful did you try just putting your feet up and resting for like an hour
  • @lae3 I'm on bed rest, that's all I've been doing lol. I've leaned forward, but while sitting down, I might seriously try to stand and lean. Lol I'm willing to try anything! Thank you :)
  • @ahhtigerstripes1104 I have about five weeks left I'm hoping I can make it that long..... I already am having a lot of pressure n pain n lots of contractions here n there but I'm trying to keep her in at least till the 28th
  • also it sounds weird but getting on all fours n letting ur tummy hang helps a lot too n u can do that in bed :) my friend said it worked wonders for her n it sure worked for me when I was having back pain
  • yeah even if you can get on hands and knees.. not sure if your aloud to do that but i would deff.. help.. like @mommakk8 said
  • Ok, thank you @mommakk88. I hope you get to keep her as long as you'd like :) I might try the all fours thing.
  • @lae3 I'm not sure if I can or not but I might try. As long as I'm not doing anything strenuous I'm okay I think.
  • @ahhtigerstripes1104 no problem :) n thank u I hope so to as much as I wanna be done I don't want her to come to early
  • good luck and hope it helps ;-)
  • @wallieheadbaby3 did you have any back pain or pain in your lower tummy like this last for days? I'm almost to the point of not moving :(
  • Hun I did cramp a little but it was not that bad... what side of your lower tummy is hurting or Is it both sides? I've been wondering how you have been today. I did not have back pain in the beginning but very bad now. :( also a lot of pain in my lower now but early on not as bad. If its getting so bad your not moving hun I would advise you to go to the ER. They need to check u and tell u where the pain is coming from. Has the bleeding gotten worse or is just bright red now? If so then please go to the ER or at least call your Dr office and speak to the emergeny person on duty so u can find some answers. Please let me know how you are doing from time to time.
  • @wallieheadbaby3 I called the doc and he said I need to stick it out til Tuesday when my next appointment is. He said it could be round ligament, but he said you never know. Pain is on both sides. But its gotten better. I'm still bleeding yes, it goes from pink, to red, to brown. He cleaned out some of the old blood from my cervix on Friday when I saw him and he said it might make me bleed a little more. Please keep me in your prayers.
  • Mine usually only lasts a few seconds.
  • aww belly buddy seems like its always something lol. I only get them for like 10 seconds a few times a day but doesnt hurt just uncomfortable. I hope u feel better.
  • I know @first_timer89 I hate it :( mine last for what seems like a minute. It makes it hard to breathe. Doc doesn't seem concerned. I just want relief.
  • Oh hun... I know how round ligament pain is and it really hurts! I don't know if u are against pain meds during pregnancy but it has really helped me a lot. My Dr gives me vicodin for the pain and he told me as long as I take it as he prescribes it that it won't hurt the baby at all but I had to at least be in my second trimester before he gave me any. I will keep you in my prayers for sure. I pray that you get some relief very soon! Please keep me updated. Try and rest as much as u can!
  • ugh ii hate when ur so worried aboutt something and doctors are not concerned. makea me feel crazy. btw had my 8week appt everythings good got to hear the heart beat I was in tearss. sorry im off subject lol
  • @wallieheadbaby3 my baby has gone to heaven. Thank you for everything <3
  • Oh hun! I can't believe this! They should have listened to u when you felt something was wrong. I can't believe this is happening to you! I'm so sorry. I will keep you in my prayers. Please if u can keep in touch. I know that u are hurting badly right now. But if u want to add me on Facebook please do. My name is Vallie Petrey. I know that there is nothing I can say to make things better but I will be thinking and praying for u. Come find me here or Facebook when u can. Big hugs.
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