What can you do at home for uti

edited July 2011 in Health
Done being prego but I think cathater gave me an infection only a week post partum but my hood hurts when I pee


  • Drink lots of cranberry juice (make sure it is not cranberry cocktail) and water to try and flush it.. or get some cranberry pills .. if it continues u will need to see a doc because it could turn into a kidney infection
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  • I plan on going in probably tomorrow
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  • Maybe my mom can take me tonight its just really painful to pee
  • drink a ton of water it will sort of help in the meantime
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  • Will do didn't start hurting till two days ago
  • Azo brand sells this red pill that helps relieve uti until u see your doctor.
  • if you've been in pain for two days you really need to go in... I get them chronically, I've have to go to the er in the middle of the night a few times. If you let it go on it will get worse and turn into a kidney or bladder infection. But like Jaime77 said cvs or walgreens or whatever sells azo standard and it will at least temporarily relieve the pain til you can get to the dr.
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