ugh sooo freaking mad!!!

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
omg am i the only one that is tired of ppl askin "how many months are u when r u due are u having a boy or girl wat r u gonna name it" like damn shutup and leave me alone!!! i just wanna punch everyone in the face!! lol srry i just had to say that!!!

i feel much better :-D b-(


  • i am very sick of people asking me what my baby girls name will be. it is VERY CLEAR that we are keeping her name a secret, just as we did with our second. and yet everyone asks "oh whats her name going to be?" or "do u have her name picked out?" "you can't just tell ME?!" uhm no... this is our kid, not yours, we are keeping it a secret so we dont have more opinions that dont matter.
  • I love when ppl ask...I just hate when they comment on my tummy size like it's humorous.
  • @ survivormommie3 amen! ^:)^
    gosh ppl r nosy! its like i dont even wanna go out bc i no wat ppl r gonna ask! :-@
  • @ncoughlin08 its like they always have something smart to say like dang u ask so i answered!

    i am just so tired of ppl being smart!
  • @oregonmama
    lol that just made my night :-))
  • I also hate when every time some one from my hubbys family sees me they ask how are you feeling in like a sad/sympathetic tone its like holy shit I'm pregnant I don't have some deadly disease! lol
  • @mackenzies_mama2010
    Lol I get that too!!! I really don't understand that one!
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