UGH county hospitals!!

So my fiancée doesn't have insurance so when he needs to see a Dr he has to go to jps hospital. Ok so in January he went in for horrible migraines, they did a CT scan and said he has spots on his brain.did a spinal tap to check for Ms, told us it was not just that he had high blood pressure and sent him away with a prescription. Well super bowl Sunday he wakes up and is outta it and I can hardly understand him when he talked, took him to the er was sent away being told he had an allergic reaction not test run that time or the 3 other times I took him after.. well at that point we think he had a mild stroke cause of his BP but. Can't get them to check well the 4 the emergency room visit we are told. There was something in his MRI from January! ! And we need to see the neurologist by the time we get an appt with him so much about my fiancée has changed he cries real easy his speach still isn't right and many more things. So the neurologist tells us nothing but I'm ordering another MRI well that took 2 months and he finally got that last week. He calls them to find out when his next appt is for the results they told him Oct 5th!!!I'm sorry. But this has been going on since February we want answers! I seriously feel like this is medical negligence ugh! Sorry so long just had to vent


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