grr i want to strangle him!! (long)

Me and my mom went to the grocery store together tonight. It was the fist time in a couple weeks that we hung out. Well we finished at one store then went to another. About 15 mins into shopping (we didn't even get to the groceries) corey calls (my mom and dad is letting him stay with them cuz he has no place to go, he's 19 or 20 and homeless pretty much, no job, no car, stoner.) Well he starts bitching about how him and his female friend are stuck in manitowoc (where I live) and want to g to the house in two rivers (where my parents live, about 15 mins from manti) my mom told him that she was in the middle of shoppingand he starts throwinga hissy fit! By that time I was beyond irritated. My parents took him in, they feed him and give him a roof to put over his head plus his own master bedroom, and this is how he treats them. He added that his "friend" is going to b spening the night. My dad is going to b furious when he finds this out. So notonly did we not get our shopping done but we both ended up goin home extremely crabby. I wanted to chew his ass out whn he got in the car! And he's so rude. He watched me (7months preg) and my mom (who's had multiple knee surgeries) unload the car and bring everything inside. Ugh!!! Sorry I needed to rant a little


  • Who is corey
  • Some kid my mom ued to work with at a pub. She pretty much adopted him. And I can't stand him
  • Idk if I should tell my parents to kick him out or just let them deal with it. It bothers me that he's so inconsiderate and rude towards them.
  • Sorry to hear that. :( so people can be such demanding arses
  • @KalikoJenie yes and he is one of them. He doesn't do anything but lie off my parents. I mean wtf. He's 19 or 20 and still dependant on ppl. I'm 22 and own my own house. Ugh it just pisses me off
  • some people just never learned to be dependant and had everything handed to them.. I know lots of people like that and it maakes me sad to think of what the future is going to bring if these people procreate
  • Ya me too. I'm just pissed that my parents r stuck dealing with his ass. I really wanna go off on him. He was extremely rude today
  • What do your parents think? I mean I'm sure they notice he's being an ass but are they the kind of people who try to do everything they can to help even if said person isn't trying to help themselves or will they kick him out?
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