Vent im sry

So okay I understand you wanna go out and have fun wtf ever.... my bf is out with his friends I wasnt mad about that what im mad about is him going to the liq store and buying all the liq for the "party" then about 145am he texts me can u come get me. I was asleep so about 230 I woke up and called him no answer, but he texted right back "im ok about to go to sleep love you."
Can you explain why u cant fucking answer then phone? Who the fuck brought u home or where the fuck are you staying.


  • Omg...ugh! I hate that. My bf is out also and im 36 wks i call him and no answer, what if i had an emergency or feel somethings wrong! Ugh these men (boys) are so selfish!!!
  • Oh I forgot to mention iv been running fever to the point I have now broke out in a heat rash.
  • ?Wow...a$$holes! Have u tried him again! Dont they realize they need to be sober just in case...gosh they will never get it! How are u feeling? Keep me updated! My bf rarley goes out but i always tell him keep an eye on ur phone...girl i hope u feel bettet soon. How far along are u
  • @ addrianna im 29 weeks no my lovely bf thinks that its okay to leave me at home while he goes and partys because its not fair he doesnt get to see his friends. Wtf? I have called and texted no reply... I feel like im getting played and we have been together for about 2 almost 3 yearsso i hope im wrong
  • Just try and relax! Some men can be real jerks! When he is sober lay it down let him know! He helped make this bby and he needs to man up! Awww girl be strong! How are u feeling?
  • I went thru that with my husband before our first child was born. I lived with him though so I was able to see what he was doing and we had one car so I had to drive if he left. He left a few time with out me and I heard horrible stories and to this day I have no Idea if they were true but once the baby was born he changed and as far as I know is he all in for me and his childern and ended getting married.
  • Just try and stay relax and let him do his thing, he will be watching the baby and letting you have fun one day :) thats how my husband and I worked it out.
  • @addrianna thank u mam im trying to stay calm just super upset. I feel yucky but my doc said to try taking a cold bath and using a icepack to see if I can lower my temp.
    @bradford2 I hope thats the case that he will grow up once gunners here. It just hurts my feelings he is doing it now
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