i am sooo beyond pissed..i just...i just..

edited July 2011 in Third Trimester
Ugh!! So are you all ready for this? So my hubby and I finally picked out a name at 31 weeks pregnant. I wanted to keep it to ourselves so we didn't have to hear anyone's opinion but Nooooo he needs to tell his family. We decided on Michael James Paulsen, my hubbies name is Michael Martin, I do not want a freaking junior, I personaly hate juniors. His mom starts screaming at me because I'm not being a submissive wife and hubby should name his own damn son and it shouldn't matter what I want and ure suppoused to name the first son after his father, and Michael James is such an ugly name and she will NOT allow me to hurt my hubby in such a way and she will NOT call him that name. She will refer to him as baby boy until we change his name. It doesn't matter that James is a family name in my family.. it has to be 100% from his family. UGH It took soo much from me to not run out of the room crying. So now we have no name again and my hubby won't talk to me because I hurt his mom and dads feelings but not naming him junior....sorry its so long. I just have noone else to vent to.


  • That is so effing dumb! He ness to pull his head out of his ass and the in laws can really just gtfover it! Its your kits not theirs! So what if you hurt their feelings! Its not about them!
  • That's what I said.. my hubby then repeated that to them and now they are telling him I don't deserve the babyshower they are throwing me.
  • That's not very nice of your MIL. Next time she talks to you about submission you should remind her of grace and that husbands are supposed to submit to their wives as well ....the bible talks about mutual submission to each other and then talks about the husband laying life down like christ did for the church. Sorry she was so ugly to you :(
  • With all due respect your husband needs to grow a back bone since Michael James is a name you both decided on. And if he wasn't on board 100% he shouldn't have taken the wimps way and let his parents fight the battle. Sorry but it irritates me when TWO people create a baby but someone feels only ONE should name it.
  • Oh and as for the baby shower. You wont need it anyway!! I hate it when someone lords a present over me!! Like their gift is worth my dignity. I think not.
  • edited July 2011
    What? She needs to sit her ass down. What yall decide to name YOUR baby is up to yall. Her opinions are irrelevent. Ur hubby needs to tell her something. Its dumb for him to be mad at you over a name that is perfectly fine. The bible says your wife comes before everyone. Therefore mommy has to take a backseat. I hate Jrs as well and I shut my bfs hopes all the way down! Hubby should be happy his son is going to have his first name at least. My bfs name is John and so is his dads, but they have different middle names. Btw Michael is a great name! It's my sons middle name.
  • @blissmarie23 well according to their bible and way of life the hubby is the boss, the wife has no say, and he is only to be submissive to the church. He cheated when we first got together and her response was to give him grace and recognize his faults and get over it. Like Wth? Yea my hubby has no back bone with his mom. It makes me so mad. I just am soo frustrated we again don't have a name.
  • I agree with mrs_shu and blissmarie23... of course my sarcastic ass would have said something along the lines of if I don't deserve a baby shower for your grandson then you don't deserve to be grandparents.... if you don't want to name him jr you don't have to. Micheal james seems like a reasonable compamise and if they are so into the jr name...why issnt your hubby a jr??? Sorry I hate inlaws sometimes or people who overstep..
  • Wow he's not supportive I dnt mean to judge b cuz I dnt kno how he treats u otherwise ,but u and ur child are his immediate family now it should b ur feeling over everything..he needs to check is mom
  • I went through the same thing. My husband soon to be ex he is a third..... his name is so messed up I hate it. I told him I refused to name our son after him and have a fourth. I didn't care what he or his parents thought or who it hurt. My husbands name is.... dafydd. Yes fu(*ed up.... if you spell it davith that's how his name sounds. Its whelch for david. Im sorry he doesn't nor does his dad go by there first name so y should I torture my son by naming him that. When ppl call and ask for him they ask if dafid or daffy. Or even dafodill (sp) is there..... Forget that!!!! So unfortunately he got it as a middle name. At least it wasn't my sons first. I asked his mom in which whom I can't stand any ways if there was another family name we could go off of and she said yes. It was Rhys also spelled Reese or rhyse.... I said oh I love it that's what his name will be. It was either Rhys Dafydd or Dafydd William.... I choose the Rhys!!! So his nick name is R.D. I don't say his middle name lol... excuse me when I say this f*(k what his parents think!!!!! I told my husband id get him drunk before we went to the hospital so I could choose th name and make him sign the bc with the name I choose.... im sorry this situation really does suck. But you know what his patents will get over it. Good luck hun
  • Hubby was a Jr until she divorced his birth dad and changed his name from Jr to honor her new hubbies name.
  • Tell them to have a baby then they can boss it around lol my grand mother in law said that to my hubby that I should be submissive he told her to butt out lol but still sometimes makes me mad she thinks she had a say in the first place.
    Or better yet tell your hubby as soon as he can carry around a baby and or 35 extra pounds for 9 months he can have full rein over the babies entire name ;)
  • Then she really has no room to talk i n my opinion. I mean why change a childs name later on? Pick something your happy with and will be happy with regardless if you and your hubby stay together forever or not. I named my first son after his dad making him a third and I regret it.. I wish I. Would have gone with my first choice, but he is used to his name so I won't change it.. and I named him after his dad not because he wanted it, but because I thought it was nice and that first born males are suppost to be named..blah..blah.. I wish you luck in your naming adventure
  • Wow some christian people there! Sorry!!
  • Lol @oregonmama snowriver winterblossom that's great!
  • And I don't think in laws in general like the names their kids or kids spouses pick out..... I know my bd mom hates the name me and him picked out, but he said he don't care screw her... then she wanted to complain she didn't like the way it was spelled.. my sons name is going to be Raiden Isaac she thinks I should change it to Rayden so she doesn't think bug spray... I'm like well it doesn't *bug* me or adam so... and then I giggled
  • Ugh how irritating! It's YOUR kid! I HATE when other refuse to go by what you want. Despite if it's your mom or mil, it should be entirely up to you & your hubby! Everyone else will just have to deal with it!!!
  • Ive been married for 10 yrs & I know all about how bossy and overbearing inlaws(mostly mils) can be. I've learned that no matter what happens if I feel like Im right I will not let anyone push me around & try to make decisions for me. Def dont name your baby something based on what someone else wants or doesnt want, that should be between you & your husband to decide & you should remind him hes a grown man & you and him are a family now and should always put eachother first before other family members. Its supposed to be a partnership, not one person dominating over another.
  • If shes making a big deal about the shower and try tell you dont deserve it...i wouldn't even take it...seems like something she use against you in the future ...like "well i threw you a babyshower.....and so on"
  • Ugh, my dad is pulling something like that. Not nearly as extreme tho! Since I didn't pick the name he liked (!) he's saying instead of Achilles, he's going to call my son whatever he wants. That's just plain stupid. I don't want my son to be confused about his name. I hate it when people say, "I'll call him Killer." Excuse me? That's not my son's name! That's not even close!

    Screw your dumb mil and her shower. Your husband needs to stand up for his wife.
  • First, I love that name. That is my fathers name, Michael James mccarty. Secondly, I personally don't like naming children after the parents. My hubby really wanted a junior or at least the middle name to be the same but I don't like juniors and I don't like his middle name! but we settled on a name that we both liked. It shouldn't be anyones business but you and the daddy. Good luck and stand your ground!
  • She's an ass. You should punch her in the throat.
  • Not at one point in ur vent did i hear u say that his mum was the babys other parent sooo why the hell does it matter so much too her? And as for ur hubby howcome if he is so hurt over baby not being a jr why did he not tell u his self that way his mum wouldn't of had too get i-rate ! Hope ur ok and dont let her stress u too much babys more important then her! Xx
  • edited July 2011
    F her. It's none of her damn business. I would tell her to shove her baby shower up her butt.
  • Yeah. I would politely decline her shower and throw a small gathering for JUST my friends. She's going to try to hold her shower over your head and it's not worth it for some gifts. Sad that you even have to deal with any of this.
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